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Decomposition Dig

By askinsc
  • Monday

    Light snow, with slight wind and icy tempartures.
  • Tuesday

    Sunny, temparture 18 degrees-Wind Chill 6 degrees-Wind:N-NW 12-8 MPH
  • Day 48

    Day 48
    The past few weeks have been extremely cold, around Sunday of the week before last it started warming up with a temparture of about 80. Since then, the weather has been fairly warm. But as of Sunday last week there was a major temparture drop estimated around 20-24. The current temparture is about 39 with a wind chill of 5mph. (36 degrees)
  • March 4, 2011 Day 59

    March 4, 2011 Day 59
    65 degrees, warm. (3 days until we dig)
  • March 7th, 2011 Dig Day #2

    March 7th, 2011 Dig Day #2
    We dug up our items today, It was slightly chilly with a little wind but not anything extreme. It looks as if our item decomposed a little, but in my opinion there's no way to tell if it's that, or if it just got torn over all this time it's been in the ground. It was wet, so i think it's likely that it was torn, the moisture making it easier to rip.