
  • Ask Mentee

    Ask Patty if she would be interested in being a part of the assignment.
  • Create initial timeline

    Create a timeline that shows the initial timeframe for the assignment.
  • Meet with Mentee

    Meet with Patty to discuss what lesson we will work on incorporating technology into.
  • Begin WebCT tutorials

    Work with Patty to review the basics of WebCT
  • Introduce Web 2.0 activities

    Go over some of the different Web 2.0 components that are available that may be used in Patty's unit.
  • Discuss how to incorporate WebCT and Web 2.0

    Select the specific lesson that Patty will integrate technology into.
  • Mentee begins unit

    Patty will begin unit in which she will incorporate technology
  • Ongoing Discussion

    Have an ongoing discussion with Patty as the unit progresses
  • Observe Mentee

    Observe Patty using technology in class
  • Observation discussion with Mentee

    Discuss with Patty how she feels the unit is going, any possible problems she envisions, and any changes that need to be made.
  • Wrap up Unit

    Patty will wrap up unit in which she is incorporating technology
  • End of Unit Discussion

    Discuss with Patty how she felt the unit went and answer any questions that she may have about the technology she used in her classroom.