
Zionist Movement Debate

By whap5
  • Theodor Herzl

    Theodor Herzl
    Theodor Herzl didn't believe in anti-Semitism, so he started a plan called Zionism to try and fix the problem on a national level.
  • Zionism created

    Zionism created
    Zionism is an ideology that supports Israel being the homeland for Jews.
  • Period: to

    Jews Migrated into Palestine

    Palestine was supposed to be split into 2 parts for the Muslim Palestinians and the Jewish, so they migrated.
  • The Balfour Declaration

    The Balfour Declaration
    The Jews should have a homeland in Palestine but Palestines that live there should be allowed to stay.
  • Period: to

    Global Climate

    Throughout the globe, there was a growing sense of nationalim/need for independence. This need turned into something that the Jews did not have, they felt the need to have a state for themselves. The depression also made conditions less desirable by a smaller amount of commodities and necessities. The rise of Hitler only made the need for Jews to have their own state increase to avoid persecution.
  • Jewish Migration

    Jewish Migration
  • Israel created

    Israel created
    Isreal was finally created and the Jews got their own land.
  • Islam vs. Judaism

    Islam vs. Judaism
    Both Islam and Judaism are monotheistic and their roots both come from a covenant in the Hebrew Bible. They both believe that God made Palestine the promised land for both people groups. Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last major prophet.
    The Jews have had the land off and on throughout history and everytime they don't have it Palestinian's have it. The land was given to the Jews after WWII, but there were Muslims living on it, causing a fight to break out that has never stopped.
  • British Conflicts

    British Conflicts
    At the end of the war, Britain helped Russian Jews (that believed that in return for them fighting in the war, that Britain would fight for Israel) to assemble a Jewish legion. But, the British were promoting a Arab rebellion, which led them to believe that the British were "on their side." Because of these conflicting promises, Britain couldn't keep their promises to either side because they would be fighting themselves.
  • Claims to the Land

    Claims to the Land
    Palestine was the Jews "natural home" that was "desirable and just" and was the promised land. The original Jewish state began over 3200 years ago when kingdoms were still self governed and in their birthplace versus being forcibly pushed into the hands of Muslim Palestines. Jewish people had a valid claim to the land because it was their homeland and they had to right to rebuild a national home after being in homelessness for so many years.
  • Best Solution?