Glendale burbank arcadia baby infant portrait photography san marino los angeles altadena 5 month old 7

Zach Johnson time line

  • eight month

    eight month
    your baby may way 4 to 6 pounds
  • two months

    two months
    The heart has divided into two chambers.
  • Three months

    Three months
    All muscles and organs have formed.
  • four months

    four months
    His heart beat can be heard clearly.
  • five months

    five months
    Your baby may almost way one pound.
  • six month

    six month
    He has started breathing motions.
  • seventh month

    seventh month
    your baby will way about half a pound
  • First month

    First month
    At the end of the first the heart is starting to beat.
  • ninth month

    ninth month
    the baby measures between 19 and 22 inches
  • infants 1 month

    infants 1 month
    Infants way up to about 5.5 pounds, and are as long as 18 or 21.5 inches.
  • 2 month

    2 month
    She is able to respond to her on name.
  • 3 month

    3 month
    They are starting to move there head on there on, and play with there fingers and stick there hands in there mouth.
  • 4 month

    4 month
    They like to make sounds and may, and learns he can change the sounds by moving his mouth.