Stanislaus cuuixsilver

Yosemite Rim Fire - Secondary Succession - A prediction into the future

  • Stanislaus National Forest

    Stanislaus National Forest
    Future site of the Yosemite Rim Fire
  • Wildfire Starts - Stanislaus National Forest

    Wildfire Starts - Stanislaus National Forest
    257,314 acres of land were burned and most of the vegetation was destroyed.
  • Wildfire Contained - Stanislaus National Forest

    Wildfire Contained - Stanislaus National Forest
    The land is bare and secondary succession begins.
  • Pioneer Stage - 1 to 5 years

    Pioneer Stage - 1 to 5 years
    Ferns, Black Oaks, weeds, annuals, grasses and perennials begin to grow.
  • Establishing Phase - 5 to 15 years

    Establishing Phase - 5 to 15 years
    Shrubs, small pines, oak and hickory trees grow. Wildlife is able to find food, water and shelter and begins to populate the area.
  • Sustaining Phase - 15 - 30 years

    Sustaining Phase - 15 - 30 years
    Pine trees are fully grown The forest is getting thicker and is able to support all forms of wildlife. The cycle of life continues.
  • Producing Phase - 30 - 100 years

    Producing Phase - 30 - 100 years
    Pine trees have died and are replaced by mature oak and hickory trees. Areas are overgrown and overpopulated. Wildlife is breeding, growing and beginning to migrate.
  • Climax Phase - 150 years and after

    Climax Phase - 150 years and after
    There are mature trees and the forest floor is shaded. The forest is home to many Wildlife. The Forest is in equilibrium or balance and is back to how it was before the fire.