
WWII Timeline Project

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    Transcription of the Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles was used to put an end to WWI and to German power. Due to Germany's loss, it was forced to pay a heavy, and almost cruel price for the damage caused in the war. The country lost a lot of territory, and the country was almost completely demilitarized. Germany also had to pay hefty sums of in "reparations" for other countries, leading to a huge economic crisis.
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    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party's Rise to Power

    Shortly after joining the Nazi party in 1919, Hitler became one of its most prominent members. As Germany fell into chaos, the Nazis rose in power, and Hitler was proclaimed the "Fuhrer" or Germany, although he actually a dictator. However, he gave Germany hope, as they were desperate for a stronger government and economy.
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    Fascist Italy Under Mussolini

    In 1922, Benito Mussolini took over Italy as its dictator. He was the leader of the National Fascist Party, and looked to conquering more land in order to expand the Italian Empire. This lead to Italy invading Ethiopia in 1935. Hitler and Mussolini would later become allies in WWII.
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    The Great Depression

    During the 1930's, America experienced the worst financial crisis in the country's history due to a stock market crash in 1929. The US was ridden with unemployment and poverty. Because of the tragic circumstances in the US, President Roosevelt began to avoid all involvement in the outbreaking wars in Europe. However, the US wasn't the only country affected, as ecominc crisis struck nearly the entire world during this time.
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    Japanese Expansion and Invasion

    In the time before WWI, Japan's population was growing rapidly; however, an island nation cannot thrive with a large population. They looked to expand their empire in order to gain more resources. Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931, and then China in 1937. They later joined Nazi Germany and Italy as members of the Axis Powers in WWII.
  • Failure of the League of Nations

    Failure of the League of Nations
    Transcription of the Covenant of the League of Nations
    The League of Nations was meant to unify the world after WWI, and prevent worldwide econominc struggle. In theory, it was a great idea- nations would be able to negotiate their issues with each other rather than going to war. However, after Nazi Germany and Japan left the League in 1933, the whole system simply fell apart, and the world was plunged into conflict.
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    American Isolationism

    After WWI and the costs that came from it, America had to intention of joining another war. With the Great Depression alrady causing havoc throughout the country, war did not seem like a good option. President Roosevelt officially announced the US's isolationism from rising conflict in Europe at the Conference of London in 1933, which led to the conference ending with no progress. America's isolationist attitude steadily decreased over the years, as England needed more and more assistance.
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    Appeasement of Germany

    As Nazi Germany grew and became more and more agressive, England and France desperately tried to keep the peace. Germany began to invade and take over its neighbors, yet their response was not to stop it, but rather allow it to conquer other countries. They assumed that making Hitler happy and satisfied would be more effective. However, he only became bolder, and continued to invade other countries.
  • Germany and the Soviet Union Sign a Nonagression Pact

    Germany and the Soviet Union Sign a Nonagression Pact
    Transcription and translation of the pact In a surprising turn of events, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-agression pact shortly before Germany invaded Poland. Their respective leaders, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, had different reasons for signing. With the SU out of the way, Hitler could invade its neighbors and allies without fear of being attacked. Stalin believed this pact would give him time to build up the Soviet army.
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany's Invasion of Poland
    On September 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany, led by Hitler, invaded Poland. Because France and England had formed an allyship with Poland, they were forced to protect it from incoming German attacks. Almost immedianly after Germany announced its invasion, both England and France declared war on Germany. This was the official start of WWII.