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  • Holocaust

    the Holocaust was when Germany put Jews and Christians into concentration camps which only lasted 4 years.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    League of Nations had no power to help Ethiopia
  • Neville Chamberlain

    Chamberlain was the prime minister of Great Britain which was an in a depression so when Germany was building an army they tried to appease them but that failed badly.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich conference was when German was invading places so Britain tried to give them land for their appeasement. Which just made Germany want more.
  • France controlled by Germany

    Germany Invades France taking control of them using it as building blocks for controlling the war.
  • Job employment

    The job employment grew by a ton just from 50% percent of employment to a 100% of employment for women and black people too.
  • Axis Powers

    The Axis Powers were Japan, Germany, and Italy
  • Battle of Britain

    This was a huge dogfight when Britain had to defend their home from the huge air force of Germany
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a sneak attack from Japan which woke up the sleeping giant of the USA. This made us join WW2
  • Battle of coral sea

    this was a major battle of the imperial navy force from Japan against American and Australian Air force
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    This was a battle of Germany Vs Soviet Union which soviets won and made Germany coronered
  • Island hopping

    Island hopping was a way the USA used to attack Japan after Pearl Harbor which was a great strategy.
  • Pacific theater

    Pacific theater was many events in the war for example when the US came in to the war.
  • US rationing

    US rationed everything from food to any material they can use to max out on war supplies
  • Atomic bombing

    Japan was resilience to giving up gave The US no choice but to bomb them because we didn't want casualties for the US assualt so we blew them up twice.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt

    Franklin was a great president with helping us get out of our depression and to help us get our war almost to the end until he died to due to a fatal stroke.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    This was a major battle when Americans took over Iwo Jama from Japan to keep our Hawaiian islands safe so to do that was by taking over Iwo Jima which the American won.
  • Bonito Mussolini

    Bonito was the leader of Italy with the first to be able to control a country by himself in which was overthrown by rebels.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hitler brought Germany to the top in the middle of WW2 but the fatal flaw was that he tried to attack 2 sides of Germany which over all made him commit suicide
  • America

    America boomed in this war by having the strongest power in the economy as well as strongest military which was before 15th.
  • source