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World War One

  • Archduke Assassination

    Archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo. His family was also there and died along with him. After he died World War One started. It triggered several events that lead to war.
  • Period: to

    World War One

  • Start Of WWI

    Germany invades Belgium causing the start of World War One. The Belgium government announced to the public that if war would happen they would uphold historic neutrality. The German government tried to get free passage through Belgium but since Belgium was a neutral country Germany decided to invade to get through.
  • Lusitania was sunk

    The Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat. This event was important because after the ship sunk Germany declared Naval war. The boat took about eighteen minutes to sink.
  • Battle of Jutland

    This was a naval battle fought in the North sea. The battle was against the British Royal Navy fleet and Germans Naval High seas Fleet. The British Naval Fleet won this battle. The battle ended June 1,1916.
  • Peace Conference

    The people got together to discuss a peace treaty. This is the first official time the country negotiate a peace treaty to end the war. At the end they came together and formed the "League of Nations".
  • Battle of Cantigny

    This battle was the first major American battle and first offensive battle in WWI. It was a small battle against Germany. The results was an allied victory.
  • Battle of Belleau Wood

    The Battle of Belleau Woods sated when the U.S. Marine Corps attacked across an open field of wheat. This was the most important battle for the U.S. since the civil war. The battle of Belleau Woods ended Jun 26, 1918.
  • Battle of St. Mihiel

    This Battle was one of the most important battles during the WWI. The U.S. had Expeditionary Force and 110,000 French troops all under the command of General John Pershing. This battle marks the use of D-Day. The main objective of this battle was for the U.S. to break through Germany.
  • Armistice signed

    France, Britain and Germany signed an armistice agreement. This means they are at truce but there is no true winner. The armistice was temporary.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles was the end of World War One. This was between Germany and Allied Powers. It was signed June 28, 1919.