Zofia Kossak-Szczucka Timeline

  • The Birth of Zofia Kossak- Szczueka

    Zofia Kossak- Szczueka was born on Aug. 10th in the year 1889. She was born in Polish Ukraine.
  • Weronika

    Weronika was the code name for the Polish writer, Zofia Kossak- Szcuzucka, where she worked on co-editing the underground newspaper, Polska żyje (Poland Lives).
  • Co- Founder

    In 1941 Zofia co- founded the Catholic organization Front Odrodzenia Polski (Front for the Rebirth of Poland).
  • Standing up by Writing

    Standing up by Writing
    In August of 1942 Zofia wrote, “The world is viewing this crime, more horrible than anything else in the annals of mankind, and is silent." She wrote this to appeal to the Western societies during the annihilation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto in August 1942.
  • Protest

    Zofia Kossak-Szczucka wrote many things which includes "Protest". There were more than 5000 copies that were printed. With this she wrote in graphic details about what was happening in Warsaw Ghetto. "All will perish ... Poor and rich, old, women, men, youngsters, infants, Catholics dying with the name of Jesus and Mary together with Jews. Their only guilt is that they were born into the Jewish nation condemned to extermination by Hitler." she had wrote in the leaflet.
  • Silent

    In the year of 1942 Zofia wrote,"England is silent, so is America, even the influential international Jewry, so sensitive in its reaction to any transgression against its people, is silent. Poland is silent... Dying Jews are surrounded only by a host of Pilates washing their hands in innocence.'Those who are silent in the face of murder,'".
  • Even Though

    Even Though
    "Our feelings toward Jews have not changed," she wrote. "We do not stop thinking of them as political, economic and ideological enemies of Poland." wrote Zofia Kossak- Szczucka. Though the Polish still thought of the Jewish a the same way a before they still helped them and Zofia is the one who help with that.
  • Provisional Committee to Aid Jews

    Provisional Committee to Aid Jews
    Provisional Committee to Aid Jews was founded by Zofia Kossak- Szcucka in last September in 1942. This organisation was created to aid the Jews in their time of need.
  • Going to Camp

    In 1943 after she was at Warsaw's Pawiak prison with a death sentence hanging over her she was later sent to Auschwitz.
    Zofia would later write about what she had see in the camp in her book “Z otchłani” – “From the Abyss”.
  • Getting Out

    Getting Out
    After getting arrested by the Nazis who didn't know who she really was, Zofia Kossak- Szuzucka had gone through prison and camp but the underground was working hard to get this beloved writer of theirs out of the hands of the Germans.
  • Death Sentence

    Death Sentence
    Zofia was arrested in Sep. 1943 for helping Jews leave the hands of the Nazi. She went to prison at Warsaw's Pawiak but was later send to Auschwitz.
  • Warsaw Uprising

    After Zofia was released from Auschwitz she soon was involved with the uprising in Warsaw, where she helped fight the Nazis.
  • The Polish Writer

    The Polish Writer
    Zofia Kossak-Szczucka wrote many books that have included some of the details of what happened in ether in camps or to what is happening in war.
  • Leaving the Country

    Even though she did so much to help the Jewish people of Poland, Zofia had to leave her homeland after the end of WW2 because she would be dubbed as a 'political enemies'. Zofia was warned by the new Polish Minister of the Interior, who was Jewish, named Jakub Berman.
  • From the Abyss

    After the World War was done, Zofia published "From the Abyss: Memories from Camp". This book illustrated some of the horrors that was inflected on her and other people in Auschwitz.
  • Moving West

    After the moving out west to the English specking countries with her husband and two children, Zofia learned how speck English. She continue to write.
  • The first Lady of the Polish Poetry

    Zofia was the first real lady of Polish poetry.
  • Returning Home

    After learning the tongue of the English men, Zofia returned to her homeland.
  • Zofia Kossak- Szczueka's death

    Zofia Kossak- Szczueka's  death
    Zofia Kossak- Szczueka died of natural causes most likely do to old age.
  • Righteous Among the Nations

    Righteous Among the Nations
    In 1985 Zofia was named one of the Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem, the official group of Israel that honors the dead of the Holocaust and those who helped them.