WW2 and The Cold War

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    Winston Churchill

    The British Prime Minister from 1940-1945. He led Britain through WW2. He was against appeasing Hitler and he thought Hitler should be dealt with more forcefully
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    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    He was the president of the U.S. and during the Great Depression. He made the New Deal which helped the U.S. get out the Great Depression
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    Adolf Hitler

    A Nazi leader who came to power and slowly and enforced the Holocaust. He used propaganda and blamed Jews for all the bad things that happened to Germany after WWI. Caused the genocide of 6 million Jews
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    Nazi Party

    It was a political party formed in Germany also known as NSDAP. It appealed to many german's interests so many people voted for it and so it got a lot of power in the German government. Adolf Hitler was the leader
  • Charles Lindbergh and the transatlantic flight

    A U.S. aviator who is famous for being the first person to make a solo transatlantic flight in 1927
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    Third Reich

    The Third Regime in Germany which was led by the Nazi Party
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    Propaganda enabled The Holocaust

    A genocide when millions of Jews died because the Nazis thought Jews were inferior and should be eliminated. The Nazis used propaganda to gain support for the holocaust so people would view jews as bad and jews should be exterminated
  • HUAC

    It was made to investigate people accused of being of being connected to Communists
  • The St. Louis

    During WW2, The St. Louis carried more than 900 Jews who were trying to escape prosecution in Germany and so tried to go somewhere else like the U.S.. They were denied entry and so died when they went back to Germany
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman said that the U.S. would help any independent country that is being pressured by other places that threatens their independence
  • Containment in the 1940s

    A policy made by Truman to help countries that don't like communism to prevent the spread of communism
  • McCarthyism

    The practice of accusing people without evidence. Named after Joseph McCarthy and what he did while being Senator. It happened during the 1950s
  • Pearl Harbor

    A surprise attack by the Japanese. The U.S. realized they could be harmed by overseas conflict and decided to join WW2 so they wouldn't be hurt again
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    The Final Solution

    Hitler's plan to try and wipe out all Jews in Europe
  • Executive Order 9066

    When FDR said many Japanese-americans needed to go into camps because he was afraid of another incident like pearl harbor from happening again.
  • American Home Front

    It supported the war effort in many ways. People agreed that some things needed to be sacrificed for the greater good during WW2. During WW1, it was a nation of women and african americans working because the white men went to war
  • D-Day

    During WW2 when Allied forces invaded France which made the Nazis move from Northwest Europe.
  • Korematsu v. US (1944)

    Korematsu sued the U.S. because he thought the Japanese internment was not constitutional. The government said Japanese internment was consititutional and the cause for it was to protect the U.S. and it had nothing to do with race
  • War Refugee Board (1944)

    It was established by FDR to help European Jews be survive during the Holocaust
  • VE Day

    The celebration of when the Allies accepted the Nazi's unconditional surrender because Hitler committed suicide
  • The Yalta Conference

    A meeting between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin to decide how to reorganize Germany and Europe after WW2
  • The formation of The United Nations

    A organization formed after WW2 (1945) to increase political and economic cooperation between them
  • The atomic bomb

    When the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WW2
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    The Nuremberg Trials

    Nazis that were a part of the Holocaust were held for their crimes and punished for their crimes
  • Levittown

    Mass producing of houses that were cheap which were ideal for white american families at the time. It is the least diverse place in the U.S.
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    Joseph McCarthy

    A U.S. Senator that accused many people of being Communists during The Red Scare to gain political power
  • Marshall Plan

    The U.S. gave economic aid to rebuild Eastern Europe countries after WW2
  • NATO

    It was a alliance formed by North America and countries in Europe to protect each other from crumbling to communism
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    The Korea War

    North Korea was under the control of the Soviet and South Korea was under the control of the U.S.. North Korea tried to invade South Korea with the weapons they got from the Soviets. It was a proxy war
  • NASA

    It was created by the U.S. government after the Soviets launched a ship to space. The U.S. wanted to better than the Soviets which led to the creation of NASA
  • The Cuban Missle Crisis

    A confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet because the Soviets put a missile on Cuba trying to aim it towards the U.S.
  • Feminine Mystique

    Written by Betty Friedman.She wrote the Feminine Mystique to bring light to how women needed to meet to society's standards when they could be doing something else