
WW1 Timeline

  • Battle of the Marne

    Battle of the Marne
    The Battle of the Marne was a World War I battle fought from 6th to10th of September 1914. It resulted in an Allied victory against the German armies in the west. This was one of the first battles fought in Europe for World war 1.
  • Siege if Tsingtao

    Siege if Tsingtao
    The Siege of Tsingtao was the attack on the German port of Tsingtao in China during World War I by Japan and the United Kingdom. The siege took place between 31st of October and 7th of November 1914 against Imperial Germany. The siege was the first encounter between Japanese and German forces and also the first Anglo Japanese operation of the war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Tsingtao
  • Volta Bani war

    Volta Bani war
    The Volta Bani War was an anti colonial rebellion which took place in parts of French West Africa. This was fought between 1915 and 1917. It was a war between an indigenous African army, a heterogeneous coalition of peoples against the French Army.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Battle of the Somme was a battle of the First World War. It was fought by the armies of the British and French empires against the German Empire. Thjs was also one of the bloddiest battles in war history. http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/battle-of-the-somme
  • Battle of verdun

    Battle of verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was fought from the 21st of February to the 18th of December 1916. It was the largest and longest battle of the First World War on the Western Front between the German and French armies.
  • Capture of Baghdad

    Capture of Baghdad
    In this battle there was repeated attempts had been made to relieve Kut by a second British force working up the Tigris. Frustrated by its inability to move between the river and the marshes inland, each assault had been beaten off by the Turks at an overall cost of 23,000 deaths.
  • Attack on the Ottoman Empire

    Attack on the Ottoman Empire
    On 2nd of Novemeber Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire. France and the British Empire were involved, Enver Pasha had succeeded in bringing the Ottoman Empire into the First World War on the side of the Central Powers, Germany and Austria Hungary.