ww1 Lakin Boehm

  • Period: to


  • Archduke assination

    Archduke assination
    This event helped spark world war one. Archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo. Gavrilo princip was the one to assassinate Archduke . He was from Obljaj.
  • Russia moblizes

    Russia moblizes
    Russia mobilizes its large army. They are going to intervene against Austria Hungary. In favor of their ally Serbia. This starts a chain reaction causing their to be mobilization in the rest of European great powers.
  • Germany invasion

    Germany invasion
    Germany declares war on France. As well Germany invades Belgium. Britain sent a ultimatum and they were rejected and dissaproved from the Germans. This then causes Great Britain to declare war on Germany the next day.
  • Zepplin raid

    Zepplin raid
    Great Britain suffers a bomb attack from two German zepplins. The German zepplins dropped the bombs onto Great Yarmouth and Kings lynn on the eastern coast of England. The zepplin is a german motor driven rigid airship.
  • Submarines

    The German unrestricted warfare for submarines has started. This idea was first introduced into the war in 1915. With their planning to remain n the western front the army commaned passed th elaw of using these submarines.
  • U.S. joins the fight

    U.S. joins the fight
    U.S finally takes in the war. They tried their best to avoid in getting out into the fight. Though the congress approved a declaration of war to fight with Germany. The U.S is with the sides of France and Britain
  • Offensive in Flanders

    Offensive in Flanders
    Germany starts on offensive in Flanders. This was known as a series of attacks on the western front. Doing this because they thought this was their best chance of winning against the allies.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    This battle was fought near a village in montdidier. This was also the first major offense from the Americans. Afterwards the Americans go onto larger attacks against German positions.
  • treaty of versailles

    treaty of versailles
    The treaty of Versailles has been sighned by the Germans. This was a peace treaty for the 6 nations. Yet the german government did not particiate in it.
  • Armistice day

    Armistice day
    On November 11th France will celebrate this day because the allies of world war one and Germany at compeigne France. This treaty was an agreement to stop fighting on the western front. This was marked as a win for the allies and a defeat for Germany.