WW1 history

  • when world war one started

    when world war one started
    WW1 started on 28 of July 1914 when Austria-Hungary officially declared war on Serbia
  • Period: to


  • christmas day truse

    christmas day truse
    They played games though World War I had been raging for only four months, it was already proving to be one of the bloodiest wars in history. Soldiers on both sides were trapped in trenches, exposed to the cold and wet winter weather, covered in mud, and extremely careful of sniper shots. Machines guns had proven their worth in war, bringing new meaning to the word "slaughter."
  • When the ANCACS laned in Gallipoli

    When the ANCACS laned in Gallipoli
    The members of the Australian Imperial Force landed at Gallipoli together with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France.
  • When WW1 ended

    When WW1 ended