By STBrown
  • First satuday surprise

    Saturday surprises were bigg announcments that Hitler made, often on the weekends. The announcements were on the weekends because this is when leaders of powerful countries would retreat tp there home country. This was significant because other countries will not be paing attention to Germany.
  • German soldiers march into Rhineland

    German soldiers march into Rhineland
    This event was significant because this was the first piece of land taken over by the Nazis. Also this is an event that rebeled against the rules of the Treaty of Versailles because that piece of land was set aside as a buffer between Germany, France and Belium.
  • Hitler meets with the Prime Minister of Austria

    Hitler summoned the Prime Minister of Austria to a secret meeting with the only purpose of intimidating the Prime Minister. In the meeting Hitler said that ' Austria must become a part of Greater Germany'. When the prime minister disagreed Hitler gave him three days to change his mind before Germany invades.
  • Jewish first name

    By January 1, 1939 all Jews were required to have a jewish first name. For men the Nazis would add Israel and for women they would add Sarah.
  • Hitler tells the Reichstag that other countries say they mistreat Jews.

    Hitler tells the Reichstag that other countries say they mistreat Jews.
    This is a significant event because Hitler was trying to get the Reichstag to create an enemy of other countries. This will help Hitler when trying to pass laws.
  • Nazis take prisoners from a consentration camp.

    Nazis take prisoners from a consentration camp.
    The Nazi took a group of prisoners from the Gleiwitz concentration camp. After the nazis dressed them in polish army uniforms they were killed. The next morning the German army marched into Poland saying they were retaliating for a Polish attack on Gleiwtz.
  • Germany conquers Poland.

    Germany conquers Poland.
    After eigteen days of fighting Germany defeated Poland. After Germany incorrporated central and southern Poland as parts of Germany.
  • Germany heads west

    In the spring of 1940 Germany set there goals on western Europe. By mid april Germany already conquered Denmark and Norway.
  • Fall of France

    After Germany had conquered other countries in Europe . Germany turned their attention to France and France had fallen very quickly.
  • Hitler orders invasion of Russia

    The order to invade Russia was to once and for all destro the ' Jewish-Bolshevik menance'. The German army advanced ito what was then soviet Russia
  • United States declare war

    After the Japanese bombed pearl Harbor the united states declared war on Japan. The next day The Japanese ambassador asked for Germanys support against the United States.