
World War II

  • Carl Vinson Born

    Carl Vinson Born
    Carl Vinson
    Twenty months before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, an event that precipitated America's entry into World War II (1941-45), Vinson steered two bills through Congress. The first called for expanding naval aviation to 10,000 planes, training 16,000 pilots, and establishing 20 air bases; the second speeded naval construction and eased labor restrictions in the shipbuilding industry.
  • Richard Russell Born

    Richard Russell Born
    Richard Russell
    His meteoric rise was capped by election, at age 33, as Governor of Georgia, serving from 1931 to 1933. He was sworn in by his father, who had become supreme court justice of Georgia 9 years before. He was a progressive governor who reorganized the bureaucracy, promoted economic development in the midst of the Great Depression, and balanced the budget.
  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust was the genocide, or systematic mass murder, of over 6 million Jews in Europe. Concentration camps were used to imprison, work, and execute Jews, gypsies, homosexual, and political dissidents or basically anyone who was different. They used gas chambers and crematoriums to kill Jews. Ended on May 8, 1945
  • Bell Aircraft

    Bell Aircraft
    Bell Aircraft
    The Bell Aircraft Corporation was an aircraft manufacturer of the United States, a builder of several types of fighter aircraft for World War II but most famous for the Bell X-1, the first aircraft, and for the development and production of many important civilian and military helicopters
  • World War II Breaks Out in Europe

    World War II Breaks Out in Europe
    WW2 Starts
    Germany invaded Poland out of nowhere. Britain and France declared war on Germany immediately. Germany defeats Poland, but is treating citizens very poorly.
  • Savannah Shipyard

    Savannah Shipyard
    Savannah Shipyard
    The natural harbor of Brunswick, located 70 miles south of Savannah, had a long maritime history before the outbreak of World War II. Located at the confluence of three rivers, the harbor was used as an exportation port for goods such as cotton and rice. Throughout the decades before the war, Brunswick’s harbor was mainly used for trade purposes.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor
    On a morning in December in Hawaii, Japanese planes came and attacked Pearl Harbor. They bombed ships and set fire on harbors of a US naval base.
  • Lend-lease Program is Created

    Lend-lease Program is Created
    Lend lease
    Preident Roosevelt signed this contract. This says that the US will provide military aid to foreign nations fighting in the war. This helped the Allies, but eventually brought the US into the war.
  • Brunswick Shipyard

    Brunswick Shipyard
    Brunswick Shipyard
    Though heroic by any ordinary measure, Savannah's production was actually outpaced by the neighboring J. A. Jones Shipyard in Brunswick. By constructing multiple vessels simultaneously on six slips in the Brunswick River, workers at the Brunswick shipyard produced a total of 99 Liberty ships in only two years. On average, Brunswick produced one of the approximately 440-foot-long ships every eighty-nine days.
  • D-Day

    D-day was the day of the Normandy landings. It was initiating the Western Allied forces to free the mainland Europe from the Nazi party.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference had President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premier Joseph Stalin. In this conference, they discussed post-war reorganization.
  • Hitler's Death

    Hitler's Death
    Hitler's Death
    Hitler suicided using a gun with his wife, Eva. It was just after a day of work, Eva and Adolf enter Adolf’s personal study. Then, at 15:30, a loud gunshot was heard that killed Adolf Hitler and his wife died from cyanide poisoning.
  • Germany Unconditionally Surrendered

    Germany Unconditionally Surrendered
    Germany surrendered
    The war in Europe ended by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union invading Germany, also by the capture of Berlin by Soviet and Polish troops and the German unconditional surrender.
  • Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
    The US asked japan to surrender but they refused to the US told them to “expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth.” The US bombed Hiroshima and left the “Mushroom cloud.”
  • Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki

    Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
    Nagasaki was one of the largest seaports in Japan. Japan was hit again because they had not surrendered.
  • United Nations Formed

    United Nations Formed
    The UN was a replacement of the ineffective group called the League of Nations. The UN headquarters is in Manhattan, NY. The UN takes on major military and peacekeeping missions.