• Period: to

    Before France loses Alsace and Loraine to Germany/After The Treaty of Versailles

  • France loses Alsace and Lorraine to Germany(The year is correct but I couldn't find the day and the month)

    France loses Alsace and Lorraine to Germany(The year is correct but I couldn't find the day and the month)
    France's loss of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany is important because it impacted them economically because they lost Alsauce-lorraine's valuable iron ore deposits, iron- and steelmaking plants, and other industries to Germany.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    The Japanese and the Russians were fighting for control over Korea and Manchuria. The Japanese gained control of Liaotung Peninsula, port arthur, the Sout Manchurian railroad, and half of Sakhalin Island. The was is important because the Japanese became the first asian power in modern times to defeat a European power.
  • Period: to

    The Russo-Japanese War

    The Japanese and the Russians were fighting for control over Korea and Manchuria. The Japanese gained control of Liaotung Peninsula, port arthur, the Sout Manchurian railroad, and half of Sakhalin Island. The Japanese became the first asian power in modern times to defeat a European power.
  • Bloody Sunday(Russia)

    Bloody Sunday(Russia)
    Bloody sunday is important because the massacre lead to a chain of strikes in other cities, pesant uprisings in the country, and rebolt in the armed forces. This became known as the revolution of 1905
  • Austria-Hugary Annexes Bosnia

    Austria-Hugary Annexes Bosnia
    Prior to World War one there was already conflict between Austria-hugary and Germany along with Russia over the Annexation of Bosnia by Austria-Hugary. This conflict is important because it lead to Russia being tricked and embarrassed contributed to the eruption of World War one.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The assassination of Archduke Franz ferdinand was significant because it was one of the main causes of World War one.
  • Austria-Hungary declaires war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declaires war on Serbia
    The declairation of war on Serbia by Austria-Hungary is significant because it will lead to world war one due to aliances. Russia has to back up Serbia and Germany has to back up Austria-Hugary because of alliances.
  • Russian Mobilizes Army

    Russian Mobilizes Army
    The mobilization of the Russian Troops is important because known there is no turning back World War one has tecnically ofically started.
  • The Schlieffen Plan is put into action

    The Schlieffen Plan is put into action
    The Schliefen plan was important because when Russia mobilized its amr and France did not, Germany was forced to invent a excuse to declaire war on France. Wich caused Britian to Declaire war on Germany because of in a Treaty of 1839, Britian had promised to defend Belgium. Now a big portion of Europe is a war.
  • Germany Invades Belgium

    Germany Invades Belgium
    Germany's invasion of Belguim is important because Belgium is netural and since Germany involved them in the war upset Britian,France, and other european power because of a Treaty basicaly stating that Belguim would remain neutral forever.
  • The start of the Battle of Marne

    The start of the Battle of Marne
    The Battle of Marne was important because it was the first noteworthy Allied victory of World War I, saving paris and preventing Germany's plan for a quick victory over France.
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    The Battles of Marne

  • The Sinking of The Lusitania

    The Sinking of The Lusitania
    The sinking of the Lusitania was important because it was one of two events that made the US join the war.
  • The Start of the Battle of Verdun

    The Start of the Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun is important because it was the longest batle of World War I resulting in a French victory.
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    The Battle of Verdun

  • The start of the Battle of Somme

    The start of the Battle of Somme
    The Battle of Somme is significant because it weakend the German army also the French were able to take back a decent amount of land from Germany.
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    The Battles of Somme

  • The Zimmerman Telegraph found

    The Zimmerman Telegraph found
    The Zimmerman Telegraph is significant because it is one of the things that made the U.S. join the war. In the Zimerman Telegrpah Aurther Zimerman, German Foreign Secretary, offered Mexico America's Southwest region in return for joining them in the war.
  • Russia signs The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Russia signs The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is significant because it is a treaty between the new Bolshevik government of Soviet Russia and the Central powers stating that Russia is no longer participating in World War I.
  • The Russian Czar Nicholas II abdicates

    The Russian Czar Nicholas II abdicates
    The forced abdication of Czar Nicholas II( and the execution of the Romanov's (his family) in 1918) was important because he was the last Czar of russia and a Provincial Government was put in his place
  • The U.S. Enter World War I

    The U.S. Enter World War I
    Now that the U.S. was entered WWI a big portion of the world is at war, The U.S. entering the war is important because they were the turning point in the war helping lead the Allies to Victory.
  • Period: to

    The Russian Civil War

  • The Russian Civil War

    The Russian Civil War
    The Russian Civil war is important because through the war monarchy in Russia was ending by the execution of the Royal Blood line (The Romanov Family) and the U.S.S.R is established.
  • The October Revolution

    The October Revolution
    The October Revolution was important because is was the second and last vital part of The Russian Revolution of 1917, in which the Bloshevik Party overrun power in Russia, establishing Soviet Regime.
  • Period: to

    October Revolution

  • Fourteen Points Proposed

    Fourteen Points Proposed
    The proposal of Fourteen Points is important because it is a presentation of principles for world peace that would be used for peace debates to end World War I.
  • The Armistice was Signed

    The Armistice was Signed
    The Signinge of the Armistice is very important because it means the end of WWI. Germany signed the argreement with the alied powers on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour.
  • The Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany Abdicates

    The Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany Abdicates
    The forced abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II was significant because he was the last emperor of Germany.
  • The Treaty of Versailles signed

    The Treaty of Versailles signed
    The signing of the Treaty of Versaillies is important becasue it is a treaty states who gets what. for example France got Alsace-Loraine back and Germany's population and territory was reduced by 10%.
  • Stalin take over Russia(Couldn't find the day and month so I made that up but the year is correct)

    Stalin take over Russia(Couldn't find the day and month so I made that up but the year is correct)
    Joseph Stalin was not a good leader for he pushed fast industrialization and collectivization of agricultural land. As a result many people were sent to camps while millions of others died from famine.
  • Period: to

    Stalins Rule