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World War One

  • The Assassination

    Russia wanted access to the Mediterranean Sea, Germany wanted a rail link to the Ottoman Empire, and Austria- Hungary had taken control, of Bosnia in 1878 and accused Serbia of subverting its rule over Bosnia. Therefore, in 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austrian throne) was gunned down by Serbia radical inciting a diplomatic crisis.
  • The Louisiana disaster

    The Lusitania was a British passenger liner that carried 1,198 people. A German U-boat sank the British passenger liner killing all aboard including 128 American tourists. The Germans claimed the ship was carrying Allied ammunition. Americans were outraged and public opinion turned against Germany and the Central Powers.
  • First battle of Somme

    The British suffered an enormous number of casualties on the first day. Final casualties for this phase of the war totaled 1.2 million but only 7 miles of ground was gained.
  • 1916 Election

    Democrat vs Republican, Wilson won the presidential nomination on the 46th ballot.
  • America declares war

  • The Treaty of Versailles

  • League of Nations