Timeline Project

  • G.I. Bill

    G.I. Bill
    It was also known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944. This act offered World War II veterans low interests rates on houses and college tuition. Moreover, money started businesses and are still occurring till this day for veterans, servicemembers, and their dependents.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman gave a national radio speech in which he asked Congress for $400 million to assist Greece and Turkey. He declared that since the Communist challenge was worldwide, it had to be confronted everywhere around the globe, stopping the spread of communism. He gave economic and military aid to countries under communistic threat.
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    The Cold War

    A war that occurred right after WWII and lasted until 1990. It's an ideological contest and state of hostility between the Western democracies (especially the U.S.) and the Communist countries (especially the Soviet Union), consisting of threats and propaganda. On the side of that, the Arms Race took place.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    U.S. and British air forces were landing cargo planes every few minutes at the Berlin airport, flying supplies and goods every day to keep Berliners alive. In the support to prepare for the war, thousands of military pilots were called into service, Truman revived the military draft, and Congress provided emergency funds to increase military spending. Stalin first sealed the border, then gave up and reopened it.
  • Fair Deal

    Fair Deal
    Truman added it to the New Deal to distinguish his new domestic program for Roosevelt’s New Deal. His first goal was to ensure civil rights for all Americans, so he proposaled to increase federal aid to education, expand unemployment and retirement benefits, create a comprehensive system of national health insurance, enable more rural people to connect to electricity and increase the minimum wage.
  • Duck & Cover

    Duck & Cover
    Both children and adults practiced in many schools across the country. It was first implemented when the Soviet Union set off its first nuclear explosion and the cold war arms race. Its purpose was to “cover and protect” themselves if they were aware of the explosions.
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    During this period, the United States was the world's strongest military power. The economy was booming, cars, houses, and goods were available to people more than ever. Rock & Roll were getting popular in music, and making people famous such as Elvis Presley. Televisions and shows were created and had led to the beat generation. Moreover, Nixon and Kennedy went against each other in the presidential election.
  • Television

    The television's introduction to the consumer market was slowed by World War II, but by 1955, it became popular and 75% of the American homes included TVs that were black and white. It's a way to entertain people and show news. However, politicians invoked the power of TV due to how many people would watch.
  • Rock and Roll

    Rock and Roll
    It was a genre of popular music that evolved in the U.S., referring to a slang for sexual intercourse. It became a term after World War II and allowed it to grow onto people, including teenagers. It started with African-American rhythm and blues and the first popular Rock & Roll was called, "Rock around the Clock Tonight" by Bill Haley and the Comets.
  • Beat Generation

    Beat Generation
    Also known as "Beatniks" or "Beats." They're a small but highly visible and controversial group of young writers, poets, painters, and musicians who rejected materialism of the consumer culture as well as the traditional expectations and responsibilities of middle-class life.
  • Dr. Jones Salk

    Dr. Jones Salk
    Jones Stalk was an Amercian medical researcher who developed a deactivated vaccine to combat diseases. He created an oral vaccine which became available in 1961 and then eradicated polio from the U.S. by 1994. He cured many American children every year as many people were left paralyzed for their rest of their lives.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    It was a conflict, not a war. It divided between the US and USSR @ the 38th parallel. North Korea invaded South Korea in July 1950 by surprising the South, and taking Seouls and pushing the allied forces to the edge of Peninsula. General MacArthur returns, to create two fronts and quickly drives North out of the South. It came to an end where Truman (wanting peace at 38th parallel) and MacArthur (wanting atomic weapons) were going against each other.
  • Ike Turner

    Ike Turner
    He was the first African-American musician who created the first Rock & Roll song called, "Rocket 88." He was also known as an R&B Legend who made R&B songs with his wife. He started a group called the "Kings of Rhythm in the late 1940s then became worldwide in 1951. He became addicted to drugs and then died at the age of 76 by becoming overdose with cocaine.
  • TV Shows

    TV Shows
    The TV shows such as, "I Love Lucy" and "Father Knows Best" portrayed ideals of the 1950s. It became popular in the 1950s and showed the obedience and hard work done. "I Love Lucy" was the most-watched show in the United States that won five Emmy Awards. "Father Knows Best" started off on radio in 1949 but distributed out on CBS in October 1954.
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    Polio is a type of disease caused by a virus in throats and other small parts. However, a type of polio vaccine was created by Dr. Jones Salk to help thousands of children every year from being debilitating from polio. It eradicated Polio in the United States by 1994 and cured many children.
  • The Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs
    New York couple that was former communist named Julius and Ethel of being part of the same Soviet spy ring. They were tried and executed to giving Atomic Bomb secrets to Soviets. Served to heighten American fears that a vast Soviet network spies and synthesizers were operating the U.S. Verona Papers – the secret list of Soviet spies.
  • McCarthyism

    McCarthy’s excesses were revealed for all to see when he accused George Marshall of making “common cause with Stalin.” He refused to answer critics or provide evidence; his focus was on creating a reign of terror by groundless accusations. His campaign tarnished many lives and reputations, but was called out by attorneys and was censored by Congress.
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    Civil Rights Movement

    It was a mass movement about African-Americans trying to gain equal access to and opportunities for basic privileges and rights in the U.S. citizenship. It occurred mostly in the 1950s and 1960s with significant events such as the tragedy of Emmett Till, the Board v. Brown Education Case, and Martin Luther King's letter in Birmingham. From those events that fought for blacks, it gave African-Americans the rights and equality.
  • Emmett Till Tragedy

    Emmett Till Tragedy
    He was an African-American who was murdered by Roy Bryant and John Milam for asking a white girl out. He was shot and dumped into a river, wrapped in barbed wire. From his murder, he started the civil right movement and all African-Americans all over the country began to mobilize.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    She's a forty-two-year-old black seamstress, civil rights activists, and secretary of the local NAACP chapter who refused to give up her seat on a city bus for a white man. She got arrested and had numerous of student and faculty volunteers distributed many flyers about the arrest of Parks and urging the support for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    He's a Rock & Roll artist who made the genre phenomenon. He was born extremely poor but then adopted rhythm & blues from the African Americans. He created his own sexually suggestive dance style and soon became known as "Elvis the Pelvis." His music was taken from African Americans and then begun appearing on televisions.
  • MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail

    MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail
    After Martin Luther King Jr. got arrested for protesting the treatment of blacks in Birmingham, he wrote a letter stating his continued policy of non-violence, having it be the only way the blacks could succeed in prison. In addition, King needed liberal and moderate whites for his Civil Rights plan to work.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Segregationists resist Brown v. Board Education for as long as they can and moderate whites will do half-way measures. The were integrating buses, libraries, and parks like Little Rock, Arkansas, slowly integrating Central High School. Furthermore, Governor Orval Faubus orders state troops to stop 9 black students from entering Central High School.
  • Sputnik

    It was the first communications satellite launched by Soviets. It was the “most important story of the century.” It changed the military balance of power and Americans were more fearful of falling behind to the Soviets. The Soviet success in space dealt a severe blow to the prestige of American science and technology. It greater funds to improve education.
  • Counter Culture

    Counter Culture
    An unorganized rebellion against mainstream institutions, values, and behavior that at times overlapped with the New Left but more focused on cultural rebellion than political activism. Shocking events of 1968 led disaffected young rebels, hippies, to abandon conventional political activism and embrace the counterculture. Used LSD and Heroin and renounced material possession.
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    This was a decade when hundreds and thousands of Americans gave new life to the nation's democratic ideals. African-Americans use sit-ins, freedom rides, and had marched to protest to fight segregation. In addition, many Americans believed it was standing at the dawn of the golden age. John F. Kennedy became president during this period as he created the New Frontier. As a result later on, he was assassinated.
  • Hippies

    They focused on changing lifestyles rather than changing political parties. They rejected middle-class values, the pursuit of wealth and careers and instead of embraced plain living, authenticity, friendship, peace, and freedom. They were all about the peace and living the moment without inhibition. They were mostly viewed as “out-of-touch” and made LSD and Heroin popular.
  • Dolores Huerta

    Dolores Huerta
    She’s an activist and an American labor leader for improving the Latino community who fought alongside Chavez for UFW, a union for migrant lettuce workers and grape pickers. She worked to improve social and economic conditions for farm workers and to fight discrimination. Furthermore, she held strikes and non-violent resistance campaigns.
  • Chicano Mural Movement

    Chicano Mural Movement
    The movement focused on white Americans to be aware of Mexican-American culture and issues. It mostly pointed their main idea about educating whites as murals on churches, schools, and businesses in the Southwest. Furthermore, artists began to use walls on buildings from cities, school, etc, to show the Mexcian-American culture.
  • Sit-Ins

    An event where protestors went to the white lunch counters and sit in seats for whites only, civil disobedience, remained there and denied service. It hurt white businesses and brought Civil Rights to lunch counters. Non-violence goes from schools to other public places, and the first sit-in was at Greensboro, North Carolina, starting the movement.
  • New Frontier

    New Frontier
    A frontier of unknown opportunities and perils of unfulfilled hopes and threats. President John F. Kennedy was elected and wanted to raise the minimum wage, relieving overcrowded schools, and believing in cutting taxes for businesses from 90%. He challenged the U.S. to land a man on the moon but Soviets still ahead in space technology.
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    The Peace Corps were founded by President Kennedy to spread capitalist ideas, recruiting young volunteers who would provide educational and technical service. It inspired young college graduates to work in poor conditions. However, Kennedy's agenda was unsuccessful after being in the office for nearly 3 years. Conservatives didn't like the idea of his agenda and giving equal money to minority schools, but yet still led to an era of liberalism in U.S.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Based Congress of Racial Equality sent a courageous group of 18 black and white riders on 2 public buses from Washington to NOLA. They wanted to test a federal court ruling that banned racial segregation on buses and trains, and in terminals but forced to flee when buses and trains were slashed. Civil Rights Leaders decided to put “the movement on wheels” by interpreting public transportation such as buses and trains.
  • Discount Retailing

    Discount Retailing
    It began in the 1960s where stores began to sell products at lower prices than typical marketplaces, such as K-Mart, Home Depot, and Best Buy. Sam Walton created the Walmart to create a chain of stores that offer a large variety of products at low prices. Estee Lauder focused on beauty products and cosmetics for women instead of essentials in homes.
  • Naval Quarantine

    Naval Quarantine
    President Kennedy delivered a solemn speech to the world, announcing that the U.S. Navy was establishing the Naval Quarantine of Cuba to prevent Soviet Ships from delivering the goods and weapons that the island nation depended on. It occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Feminism

    A movement where women fought for equality of both political and economy. Women were in denial for unfair jobs opportunities and salaries. They focused on gaining equality for jobs and salaries among all women, creating a better life. Betty Friedman wrote a novel called, "A Feminine Mystique," which helped female protests of equal treatments, opportunity and pay.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald as he was waiting for him on the 6th floor of the book depository. JFK flew to Love Airfield in Dallas and wanted a maximum exposure to crowds to generate excitement in an open air automobile. He took a route by the Texas School Bank Deposit that was publicized for days as many saw him on the side as he went down the route.
  • Ascendancy of Lyndon B. Johnson

    Ascendancy of Lyndon B. Johnson
    He became the President aboard Air Force One with the support of Jackie Kennedy and one of the greatest legislators of the 20th century. In addition, he created the Affirmative Action by using law and executive orders to help African Americans find jobs, taking out discrimination and the Great Society. He continued the legacy of Kennedy and the New Deal.
  • Lee Harvey Oswald

    Lee Harvey Oswald
    Oswald was a U.S. Marine who became the shooter who assassinated John F. Kennedy as he was in his open automobile on the road. He relieved 5 bullets in Kennedy's head and neck. However, as he was in police custody, he was murdered by Jack Ruby tow days after he assassinated JFK.
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    A program created by Johnson to end poverty and racial injustice and provide “abundance and liberty for all.” It had problems that needed fixing, moderates grew tired of “entitlement” for minorities and felt as if it was only for blacks. President Nixon utilizes the “southern strategy” after whites turned to the Republican Party.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    The march was also known as the Bloody Sunday. Nearly about 600 marchers set out walking 50 miles to Montgomery for the right to vote and police waited for at the end of Edmond Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama for them with clubs and guns. Protesters would be kneeled down and pray, but got beaten up and whites were cheering.
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
    The largest black ghetto area with high unemployment, poor schools, and drug use that exploded in a frenzy of rioting and looting in LA, California. Black men were arrested for drunk driving and National Guard called in to stop the violence. It changed many white views of Civil Rights because they saw militant black protestors and not non-violence ones, supporting suppression of protestors.
  • LSD

    It would be a prescription drug for psychological therapy that hippies and counterculture people would use during Woodstock, making them popular with Heroin on the side. It would have powerful effects to allow people to work through their behaviors, becoming a magic pill for a direct spiritual experience. It became illegal in the late 1960s in the U.S.
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail

    Ho Chi Minh Trail
    A trail from Western Vietnam that ran through Laos and Cambodia. It brought troops, ammunition, and food to the Vietcong of the South as Vietcong used simple modes of transportation to get the goods South. Later, trucks were used to speed up transportation.
  • Warren Burger Supreme Court

    Warren Burger Supreme Court
    This court was decided under the new chief justice, Warren Burger. The Court ordered racial integration of the Mississippi public schools, wanting to scale back desegregation. However, the integration still continues, leading a problem to the busing policies in the 1970s. Due to busing issues, riots and demonstrations formed against busing.
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    During this decade, it was troubled as all women, African-Americans, Natives, and all genders were still continuing to fight for their equality as many Americans also joined to protest against a war in Vietnam. An organization such as OPEC controlled nearly almost all of the oil in the United States. Nixon's Presidency became a big impact and acts form such as the Endangered Species Act. Additionally, the creation of personal computers became popular.
  • Stagflation

    Causing to high unemployment and rising prices, it was flooded with new workers in labor market. As the number of new jobs could not keep up with the growth of the workers, many were left unemployed. Moreover, Nixon was the one who caused the stagflation to happen, who first sought to reduce the federal deficit by raising taxes and cutting the budget.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    It was passed by the Congress in 1972 to guarantee equal rights for all genders. It goes to the state for ratification but is rejected by 3 states in 1979. However, it seeks to end legal distinctions between both women and men in divorce, employment, and others. It was defeated by Phyllis Schlafly.
  • Phyllis Schlafly

    Phyllis Schlafly
    She's an American constitutional lawyer who received support from the conservatives across the country and a conservative activist who defeated the Equal Rights Amendment. However, she feared it would reduce the rights of wives and harm family life who were enjoying their life as household wives. She was the First Lady of a Political March to the Right.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    It's a Supreme Court that made history by striking down state laws forbidding abortions during the first three months of pregnancy. Women were protesting for legalized abortion for years, but it was ruled that women have a fundamental "right to choose" whether to give up their child or not. Most states outlawed it, but sometimes they were allowed.
  • OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

    OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
    It's an organization that controls much of the world's oil, deciding to use its huge oil supplies as a political and economic weapon. The United States sent massive aid to Israel after a devastating Eygpt attack, placing an oil embargo on U.S. for supporting Israel. However, Nixon convinces Israelis to give up their territory, leading to an end of the embargo.
  • Endangered Species Act

    Endangered Species Act
    This act provided support for those species that are endangered or threatened throughout their range of living, along with their ecosystems in which they depend on. It requires fish and wildlife service to list different species of plants and animals that are near extinction. Due to their extinction, many are killed by poison and industrialization that are in the environment.
  • The New Right

    The New Right
    It's a collection of different conservative groups in businesses, religious right, former Democrats, and Neoconservatives. Many wanted smaller government and regained industrial jobs. South starts voting for republicans as many were angry over liberal policies. It consisted many who opposed on a variety of issues such as equality, abortion, and genders (homosexual).
  • Video Home System - VHS

    Video Home System - VHS
    It was the start of the new era, and people had the ability to plug any film they wanted to watch on their television. It dominated the theater of video recording and watching and is a standard for consumer-level analog video recording on tape cassettes, where you can place in their video home system to rewatch their show/movie.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    A Canal that connects with the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, helping trade go across and eliminate disease-carrying. It's still controlled by the United States as big ships and subs were not able to fit in the Canal. However, Jimmy Carter signed a treaty to give Canal to Panama and handover was completed in 2000.
  • Three-Mile Island

    Three-Mile Island
    It was an accident that was a partial nuclear meltdown in the Eastern Pennsylvania. The nuclear radiation leaked out into the nearby town, but luckily no one was sickened by it. After the Three-Mile Island, Americans began to feel weary of nuclear power. Public fears and distrust increased around after the leakage.
  • Black Entertainment Television - BET

    Black Entertainment Television - BET
    It was first aired in 1980 who first starred Robert Johnson, becoming the first black billionaire. This show features music and stories from the African-American community. BET was viewed nearly almost over 90 million homes in the world. It targeted young black-American audiences to show what their culture consisted of with entertainment.
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    The 1980s was a response of many Americans to embrace a new conservatism in social, economic and political life during the 1980s when Ronald Regan became President. The Strategic Defensive Initiative was formed by President Reagan to stop missiles from other countries from hitting the United States as space shuttle programs were created too (NASA). Stores such as Walmart and entertainment such as TV shows and rap music became popular.
  • Entertainment

    Things such as CD and cables (CNN, ESPN, MTV) began and boosted careers of Madonna and Michael Jackson in the 1980s; Robert Johnson was the 1st black billionaire. Music such as rap music and movies became popular. Video games/arcades were used to entertain people with controllers and keep them company.
  • A.I.D.S Crisis

    A.I.D.S Crisis
    It's a global pandemic that is stood for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It started to affect thousands of homosexuals and began to spread to the heterosexual community through blood transfusions. It began in Sub-Saharan Africa as a mutation of chimpanzee disease, as in illness, fear, and death.
  • Election of 1980

    Election of 1980
    It was an election between Ronald Reagan, a Republican, and Jimmy Carter, a Democrat. Reagan was originally a former governor of California and actor in the 1940s and 1950s. He was testified before HUAC about communism. Carter was "haunted" by a bad economy, and the hostage crisis in Iran brought down the popularity. The special forces mishap in the desert, sealing his defeat. In November, Carter was defeated by Reagan.
  • Space Shuttle Program

    Space Shuttle Program
    The program launched the first space shuttle in April 1981 in Columbia, with Sally Ride being the first American woman to arrive/go to space. It's administrated by NASA and is now called the Space Transportation System. It officially began in 1972, but the first flight was in 1981. Satellites were placed in space and became important for communication and TV entertainment.
  • Rap Music

    Rap Music
    A type of music genre that was developed in the United States by African-Americans consisting of specific rhythmic music and speaking or chanting lyrics. Rap music, along with hip hop music, became one of best entertainments in the 1980s on televisions. It gained its first popularity as a kind of street among black teenagers.
  • Music Television - MTV

    Music Television - MTV
    This music program consisted of basic music videos that were introduced by video jockeys and went air for the first time by John Lack. MTV became an influential source of pop culture and entertainment in the United States and other countries. Performances such as Madonna, Michael Jackson, etc. became popular as they perform their music videos on MTV.
  • SDI - Strategic Defensive Initiative "Star Wars"

    SDI - Strategic Defensive Initiative "Star Wars"
    It's a program that was initiated by President Ronald Reagan. It was intended to develop missile shields for defense against the Soviet incoming missile and other countries. Satellites with lasers would shoot down incoming missiles and then intended to give Soviets the same technology. It became a failure for the United States.
  • Reagan Doctrine

    Reagan Doctrine
    President Ronald Reagan defined some of his key concepts of his foreign policy to weaken the Soviet Union. It served the foundation for the Reagan administration's support of "freedom fighters" around the world and became the first term to roll back communism in its weakest points. The United States supported guerilla groups fighting communists and no longer contain, but get rid of Communism.
  • Oprah Winfrey

    Oprah Winfrey
    She's an African-American who was well-known to be on talk shows about issues and trends of the day. She became the richest woman in the world and support Obama in 2008. Winfrey was also an actress and created her own talk show called "The Oprah Winfrey Show," being the highest-rated television program.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    The head of the East German Communist Party announced that citizens of the German Democratic Republic could cross the border whenever they would like to. However, the Berlin wall is still known to be one of the most powerful and meaningful symbol of the Cold War.
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    This decade was filled with many characterizations. Bill Clinton was elected as President and began to help the economy grow more taxes and help many with their money issues. He made things easier for those who were in need. Also, technologies began to boom and become popular such as emails, the internet, online gaming, and the creation of cell phones. In addition, entertainment started to create more shows such as BET and the Oprah Winfrey show.
  • Online Gaming

    Online Gaming
    Online gaming was first available from the creation of computers, played over the computer network. As technologies were increasingly improving throughout the time period, the evolution of networking and computers created online gaming on a remote server. As they became big, there were changes in businesses and lifestyle.
  • Rodney King Incident

    Rodney King Incident
    An African-American taxi driver who was chased 78 miles down in his car by an L.A. police. Instead of getting arrested or getting a ticket, he was beaten up by evidence that was caught on tape. Riots took place for four days as Asian shops looted by black and Latino residents that got angry for not hiring people of color.
  • Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton
    She's an early front-runner for the Democratic nomination in New York as a senator, Bill Clinton's wife. She displayed a command of policy issues and mobilized a well-funded campaign team. Also, she was defeated by Barack Obama. She was helped by John McCain by trying to get her supporters by selecting Sarah Palin as a running mate. She then created the Health Care Reform
  • Health Care Reform

    Health Care Reform
    It was proposed by President Bill Clinton. He gave a task to Hillary Clinton, who wanted a longtime liberal goal of nationalized health care. The main goal of this reform was to come up with an organized plan to provide health care universal health care for all American. Later on, Republicans put out media blitz and called it the "socialized medicine." However, the Health Care Reform failed until 2009 arrived.
  • World Trade Center Attack

    World Trade Center Attack
    This attack was a terrorist attack when a truck bomb detonated below the North Tower in New York City. It exploded massive of cars and buildings in the basement parking garage and only six story hold in the ground. It killed only six people but injured thousands. It was planned by a group of terrorists named Ramzi Yousef, Mahmud Abouhalima, and 3 more others. It was easily forgotten.
  • Affordable Cell Phones

    Affordable Cell Phones
    A cell phone is a mobile device that you can communication towards others wirelessly, becoming a public switched telephone network. Cell phones began to replace landlines, and it allowed people to be on the internet without using a computer. Cell phones also became popular in the 1990s and changed businesses and lifestyle.
  • Internet

    In the creation of the internet, it began with the development of the technology of computers in the 1990s. Internet became a big resource where you were able to find information on anything around the world. The Internet also became a source to watch videos online. Although the Internet was created in the 1980s, it started to become popular in the 1990s.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement - NAFTA

    North American Free Trade Agreement - NAFTA
    The Bush Administration negotiated with Canda and Mexico. However, Clinton urged for approval from the agreement to make North-America the largest free-trade zone in the world. It knocked down trade barriers and rules have been put in place for several industries. After, Americans began to lose their jobs from NAFTA but stopped Mexican knock-off products.
  • Defense of Marriage Act - DOMA

    Defense of Marriage Act - DOMA
    This act was overturned by the Supreme Court and signed by President Bill Clinton who denied gay and lesbian couples who married in states allowing such unions the right to Federals benefits. It became a federal law that defines marriage between the two genders. DOMA became unconstitutional by federal courts rule, so justice departments did not defend legal challenges to the law.
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    This decade is filled with modern and new presidents. Within nearly almost two full decades, there have been two different presidents. Technologies have greatly improved such as Apple Macbook laptops and cell phones. Automobiles have also improved to travel from one place to another such as hoverboards, cars, and other mobiles. Between those decades, there's a new generation forming in which they've only experienced the modern days.
  • Bush v. Gore

    Bush v. Gore
    It was issued in the United States Supreme Court. It resolved the dispute of the 2000 presidential election that was unconstitutional in the state of Florida. It was proven to be the climax of the presidential race between Vice President Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush. Bush led Gore by 1,800 votes after the Election Day but it was so close, Florida's law called for a recount in their ballots. At the end, George W. Bush won.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    Bush participated in the Election of 1988 against Michael Dukakis. He was a former C.I.A. director and a World War II fighter pilot. Bush served as an American politician and became the 43rd president of the United States from 2001 to 2009. He was also the 46th president Governor of Texas before as became president from 1995 - 2000.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    It was a terrorist attack that occurred in New York City, knocking down the twin towers by two airliners that had been hijacked by Islamist terrorists who carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. A third plane hit Pentagon that was located right out of Washington D.C. and the fourth plane crashed in a field. The attacks resulted in extensive deaths and destructions. It triggered a major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.
  • Patriot Act

    Patriot Act
    It was a response to the 9/11 attacks when President George W. Bush created an anti-terrorism law. It gave the government agencies the right to eavesdrop on confidential conservations between prison inmates and their lawyers and permitted suspected terrorists to be tried in secret military courts. It's also called "USA Patriot Act" that was officially known as "Uniting and Strengthening America."
  • No Child Left Behind Education Act

    No Child Left Behind Education Act
    It was an act to report to decline schools across the country when Bush decided to send a bill to congress. This act revamps standards and linking federal funding to student performance on standardized tests. It reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act and have states to test students in reading and math in grades from 3 - 8 and in high school, they were expected to meet the standards by 2014.
  • Hurricane Katrina Disaster

    Hurricane Katrina Disaster
    It was one of the deadliest natural hurricane disasters that occurred in the United States. It specifically hit the Gulf Coast hitting Alabama, Mississippi, and Lousiana. It left many people dead and destroyed millions of homes and left them homeless, especially in New Orleans. 80% of New Orleans was flooded, and the Levee System failed to hold a storm surge.
  • The Great Recession

    The Great Recession
    In Fall 2008, the economy went bust in the middle of the campaign. Stock markets around the world began to crash with the onset, becoming the Great Recession, lasting for nearly two years to force people out of work. There were falling home prices, poor lending habits by banks and risky investments led to massive foreclosure. Governments forced to bail out of companies and banks and it became the worse economic collapse since the Great Depression.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    He was the first African-American Democrat presidential nominee who graduated from Columbia University in New York before earning a law degree from Havard. He was elected in 2008, and became the 44th president of the United Sates from 2009 - 2017 after defeating John McCain in the presidential election. He was also the first term senator from Illinois.
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
    This act was first called when the Congress passed, Obama signed a $832-billion economic stimulus bill. It included cash distributions to the states for construction projects to renew the nation's infrastructure, money for energy systems, and about $200-billion in tax reductions for businesses and funds for food stamps and unemployment benefits. As a result, it became the largest government infusion of cash into the economy.
  • Affordable Care Act - ACA

    Affordable Care Act - ACA
    This act was formed to make health insurance more affordable and make health care accessible for everyone, regardless of income. In addition, the Act was passed by Obama in reforms for private health insurance. Everyone was required to have insurance or pay a fine. However, many liberals were upset that it wasn't a single-player system similar to Europe.