World War II Rise of Totalitarianism and Aggression

By lykim
  • Japanese invade Manchuria

    Part of the Japanese imperialsitic efforts of controlling China. This was due to unhappiness from the World War I results.
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor

    He was appointed due to President Paul von Hindenburg facing pressure from Hitler's growing supporters, and popularity. This marked a large transition in Germany. Hitler planned to immediately make Germany a one-party state.
  • Dachau is built

    Dachau, the very first concentration camp is established. By 1945 over 1,000 camps will be established.
  • Beginning of social restrictions in Germany

    In Germany, Jews are restricted from practicing law and working in civil services. Later on April 25, 1934, college enrollment of Jews are restricted.
  • Germany leaves the League of Nations

    Japan had initially left in March of 1933, followed by Germany on this day. It demonstrated the lack of military and political power that the League of Nations had.
  • Hitler becomes President

    Hitler, already chancellor, won an election with 90% of the votes, following the death of von Hindenburg. Hitler gained popularity by blaming the Communists, and was basically became a dictator.
  • Hitler decalres Germany out of the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler violates the Treaty through rearmament and conscription into the military. Britain even supports this action by making a naval agreement with Britain.
  • Italian Invasion of Ethiopia

    The invasion is successful, and the League of Nations overturned a resistance movement. They also removed sanctions of the Italians. Many countries recognized the Italian invasion by 1938, including Britain, France, Germany, and Japan.
  • Rhineland Remilitarization

    Treaty of Versailles banned Germany from militarization. This event shows Germany's progress towards building their army up again. France was reluctant to declare war, and Britain was a little more indifferent.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Coalition formed between Italy and Germany. An agreement made by Italy's foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano, linking the two fascist countries.
  • Second Sino-Japanese War

    Second war between Japan and China over territory. On December 15, 1937, the Rape of Nanjing occurs, where nearly 300,000 Chinese civilians are raped and killed.
  • Anschluss with Austria

    An agreement with Austria, allowing Germany to take and annex it. Little to no response from the League of Nations, as many countries wished to avoid war.
  • Hitler takes the Sudetenland

  • Germany takes all of Czechoslovakia

    In 1938, Hitler was granted the Sudetenland through the Munich Pact, though Hitler made it clear that he wanted the rest of Czechoslovakia, otherwise he would bomb it. He was quickly granted what he wished.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Germany wished to avoid the mistakes of the last war: a two front war. Soviets are granted land, including parts of Poland.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Began with the German luftwaffe bombing the Polish town of Wieluń. Immediately after, a German battleship opened fire on a Polish military transit depot. Britain and France declare war, beginning World War II
  • Katyn Forest Massacre

    Over 22,000 Polish nationals executed by the NKVD, or Stalin's secret police. Later revealed that massacre was personally ordered by Stalin
  • Germany occupies France

    France surrenders in six weeks, Germany is granted North and West France, Italy is granted a small occupational zone in the Southeast.
  • Germany breaks the Non-aggression pact

    Hitler begins an invasion of Russia, breaking the pact. This brought the Soviet Union into the war, and many casualties.
  • Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese destroyed more than 20 naval vessels, and nearly 200 airplanes. More than 2,000 American soldiers died. America declares war on Japan.