World War II

  • Peace Corps

    35.000 volunteers had helped in 60 nations over 7 years.
  • Munich Agreement

    The leaders of Britain, Germany, France, and Italy held a meeting in Munich on 29th September to discuss the situation. Hitler stated that if the Sudetenland was returned to Germanu them he would make no further claimes for land. This agreement, signed by all four leaders, agreed that the Sudetenland would be returned to Germany and that no further territorial claims would be made by Germany.
  • Japan aggression

    Japan overruns Manchuria and Eastern China.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Ethiopian king will ask the League of Nations for help. THe league will seek penalities for violating internationsal law, however, they have no power to enforce these penalties. In 1936, Italy conquers Ethiopia.
  • German Aggression

    Hitler's goal is to bring all German-speaking people into the Third Reich (German State). In order to do so he needs space. Hitler begins to go against the orders in the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Policy of Appeasement

    In May 1937, Neville Chamberlain became Prime Minister of Britain. He believed that the Treaty of Versailles had treated Germany badly and that there were a number of issues associated with the Treaty that needed to be put right. He felt that giving in to Hitler's demands would prevent another war. This policy, adopted by Chamberlain's government became known as the policy of Appeasement.
  • War is Declared

    In September 1939, Germany invades Poland. Two days later, Britain and France declare war.
  • France falls

    France fell to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in late June 1940.
  • Axis Powers

    Alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan. It recognized German leadership in Europe, Italian ledershiop in the Mediterranean, and Japan leadership in Eastern Asia.
  • Hitler invades Russia

    Hitler doubled crossed Joseph Stalin in 1941 and invaded Russia through Poland. Harsh winter and lack of usable supplies resulted in over 1 million Nazi loses.
  • Indo-China falls

    By August 1941, Indo-China fell to Japan. After the U.S. began a full trade embargo against Japan, the nation prepared for an attack on the U.S.
  • USA wants to stop Japan's Invasion

    The U.S. attempted to stop Japan's invasion of China, who were in a civil war. This was done with an ultimatum, and also a block of issuing a scrap metal and oil embargo.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The U.S. Pacific Fleet, which was based at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, was attacked in order for them not to interfere with Japan, Six aircraft carriers and 353 Japanese planes attacked in two waves.
  • U.S. declared war on Japan

    The following day of the Pearl Harbor attack, the U.S, declared war on Japan. This causes Germany and Italy to declare war on the U.S., also known as the "Tripartite Act".
  • Britain against the Axis Powers

    In 1942, Britain stood alone against the Axis Powers, but the Allies subsequently invaded the Axis through Sicily and up into Italy. This happened to be the end for Mussolini, who was overthrown and killed.
  • Eastern Front in Stalingrad

    The Nazis were fighting the Russians in Stalingrad for over 6 months, which is today known as one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare. But, the Nazis were soon to be defeated, which was a turning point of the war for the Allies.
  • D-Day

    This largest military invasion in the history of time was organized to be on June 6, 1944. The Allied invasion went across the English Channel and into Normandy in France. This success allowed them to push further into France.
  • Battle of the Budge

    This largest military invasion in the history of time was organized to be on June 6, 1944. The Allied invasion went across the English Channel and into Normandy in France. This success allowed them to push further into France.
  • Attacking Japan

    The Supreme Allied COmmander for the Pacific Theater was General Douglas MacArthur, who used the Island Hopping strategy moving from island to island in the Pacfic. But, the fighting in the Pacific was difficult for many reasons and Kamikaze attacks caused 15.000 casualties and more than 300 damaged ships.
  • Hitler's death

    Hitler committed suicide on April 30th in 1945, before he could be captured by the Allies.
  • The German surrender

    Germany officially surrendered on May 7th, 1945, and the following day is now knows as VE Day.
  • Truman Doctrine

    It gave it 400 million dollars in economic & military aid to Greece and Turkey.
  • NATO

    Allienvce to support one another military.
  • Berlin Airlift

    U.S. airlift, food, and supplies into the city.
  • Marshall Plan

    13 billion dollars in aid given to rebuild West Europe

    To prevent the Domino Theory.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Offered economic and military support if communism threatened the Middle East.
  • Allience for Progress

    Offered economic and technical assistance to latin american countries. The U.S. invested 12 billion dollars.