World war ii

World War II

By Carous
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    Artistic and Literaty Trends.

    For many people, the human beings were violent animals who were incapable of creating a sane and rational world. The Great Depression and the growth of violent fascist movements only added to the despair created by the war.
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    More Goods, More Leisure.

    More consumer goods were available, and more people could buy them. Mass leisure offered new ways for totalitarian states to control the people.
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    Mass Culture: Radio and Movies.

    Marconi´s discover the wireless radio waves. In 1926 there were 2.2 million radios in Great Britain.Film and photographs were now invented.
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    Frontline Civilians: The Bombing of Cities.

    Bombing was used in the WWII. Euopeans air forces began to develop longrange bombers in the 1930s.
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    The War Industry in Times of Peace.

    In these chapter is like thinking on why the human beings started a war and making nuclear weapons knowing they could end with the human raze, all of these happened in a short time.
  • Britain.

    Londoners took the first heavy blows. The German air force had bombed London. The ability of Londoners to maintain their morale set the standard for the rest of the British population.
  • Germany.

    Major bombing began on 1942, on May 31, 1942 Cologne was the first German city attacked by a thousand bombers. The ferocius bombing of Dresden from February 13 to 15 created a firestorm.
  • The Atomic Bomb.

    The Atomic Bomb.
    Scientist found out that atoms contained an enormous amount of energy, they rise the idea that releasing this energy by splitting the atom might create a devastating weapon. In 1942 the U.S government started the Manhattan Project, it was a code name for the produce of the first atomic bomb. The bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945.
  • Germany.

    Hitler believed the collapse of the home front in World War I had caused Germany´s defeat; he adopted economic policies that may have cost Germany the war. In the first two years Hitler increases the production of weapons, and after they defeated Russians, their economic situation changed. Hitler ordered a massive increase in armaments production. Albert Speer triple the production. The Nazis gave women jobs.
  • Japan.

    The bombing of civilians reached a new level with the use of the first atomic bomb. The biggest bombers of the war begun on November 1944. The Japanese government decreed the mobilization of people between the ages of 13 and 60.
  • The Soviet Union.

    The Soviet Union.
    The habitants were so desperate for food, they ate cats, dogs adn mice, 1.5 million died in the city. German army advance in Soviet territory, they put the factories in the western part of the Soviet Union to the interior, as they worked walls went up around them. Women and girls could now work in the factories, mines and railroads.
  • The United States.

    The United States.
    They produced much of military equipment, the country build ships at day and ninety-six thousands planes per year. The construction of new factories created problems, sixteen million, mostly wifes and girlfriends of servicemen or workers looking for job. A million African American moved from the rural South to the cities.
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    Confrontation of Superpowers

    Rivalry in Europe.
    The Truman Doctrine.
    The Marshall Plan.
    The Division of Germany.
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    Mobilization of Peoples.

    Mobilization was more extensive, also the movilization of women. The number of dead people was almost twenty million, many of these victims were children.
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    Peace and a New War.

    It was follow by a period of political tensions, known as the Cold War. The Cold War was to dominate world affairs until the end of 1980's.
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    The Female Function in the Second World War.

    During the Second World War the Nazis gave women job, because all men were going to war and to service their countries, at first women were just for babys and home work, but they started needing them on fabrics and military works.
  • The Yalta Conference.

    The Yalta Conference.
    Three powers met again at Yalta in southern Russia. The Soviets were taking posession of Eastern and Central Europe. Liberated countries would hold free elections to determine their political systems.
  • The Potsdam Conference.

    The Potsdam Conference.
    Began under a cloud of mistrusts. The Soviets had lost more people than any other country. By mid-1945 only an invasion by Western forces would habe been able to undo the developments in Eastern Europe. In 1945 and 1946 Nazi leaders were tried and condemned at trials in Nuremberg, Germany.
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    UNESCO and Traditional Music.

    The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) wthe 16 of Nov, 1945. on 1961 was the foundation of a fund with a collection of recordings, dances. Nowadays specialists from all over the world participate in this project.
  • Rivarly in Europe.

    Rivarly in Europe.
    Estern Europe was the first area of disagreement. The U.S and the Great Britain thought that they should determine their governments.
  • A New Struggle.

    A New Struggle.
    Many in the West thought Soviet policy was part of a worldwide Communist conspiracy. Only months after the world´s most devastating conflict had ended, the world seemed to be bitterly divided once againg.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    President Harry S. Truman of U.S made the Truman Doctrine. It stated that the U.S would give money to countries that need them.
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    The Diversity of Ideas.

    During the second world war, many people started thinking of different ideas for living, for example in these time started the HIPPIE groups, they were people that were ecologist.
  • The Marhall Plan.

    The Marhall Plan.
    In June 1947 the Truman Doctrine was followed by the Europeans. The General George C. Marshall created the Marshall plan, the idea was that communism was successful in countries with economic problems. The Soviets thought Marshall plan was created to buy the support of countries.
  • The Division of Germany

    The Division of Germany
    At the end of the war, Germany was divided into 4 zones, each one occupied by 1 of the Allies (U.S, Soviet Union, Great Britain and France) Berlin who was on the Soviet zone was divided in 4. On February 1948 Great Britain, France and U.S tried to unifiy the 3 Western sections of Germany, the Soviets oppose.
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    The Spread of the Cold War.

    In 1949 the Soviet Union and the U.S make their first atomic bomb. They believe that arsenal of nuclear wapons would prevent a war.
  • New Military Alliances.

    New Military Alliances.
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in April 1949. New military alliances spread to the rest of the world.
  • The Arms Race.

    The Arms Race.
    In 1949 the Soviet Union sent the first atomic bomb. The U.S and the Soviet Union worked on masive weapons, they thought that these would prevent a war. In 1957 the Soviet Union sent "Sputnik I" to the orbit of the Earth
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    The contrast Between Wealth and Poverty.

    The depression that came after seemed to be forgotten and the world economy flourished. The U.S was the country with the most purchase power. In Asia the decolonization process liberated China, India and Afghanistan.
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    Enviromental Problems and Landscape Changes.

    mankind intesified the pressure on the natural environment and began competing with other species over land areas and natural resources.Energy consumption tripled, car traffic polluted the big cities and carbon dioxide emissions increase.
  • A Wall in Berlin.

    A Wall in Berlin.
    Nikita Khrushchev tried to take advantage of American. West Berlin remained a "Western Island". In August 1961 East Germany started to create a wall separating West Berlin from East Berlin.
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    The Cuban Missile Crisis.

    President Kennedy approved a plan for Cuban exiles to invade Cuba. The plan failed. In 1962 Khrushchev began to place nuclear wapons on Cuba. In October 1962 Kennedy found out about the weapons on Cuba.
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    Vietnam and the Domino Theory.

    In 1964 under President Lyndon B. Johnson, troops were sent to Vietnam. U.S policy saw the conflict in terms a Domino Theory, if the Communists succeded in South Vietnam, other countries in Asia would also fall like dominos. In 1973 President Nixon maked an agreement with North Vietnam.