
World War II

  • Japan Attacks Manchuria

    Japan Attacks Manchuria
    The United States Minister sent a telegram to the Secretary of State Stimson to tell them that Japan did an aggressive act.
  • Hitler Comes To Power

    Hitler Comes To Power
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. He lead more than 250,00 Nazi soldiers.
  • Itlay Conquers Ethiopia

    Itlay Conquers Ethiopia
    Italy conquers Ethiopia with military force and revealing the weakness of The League of Nation. This increased Mussolini's exaggerated estimate of his military's power.
  • Spanish Civil War (Begins)

    hostilities broke out and what became the Spanish Civil War began. The Nationalists, under the military leadership of General Franco, re-volted against the Spanish government, known as the Republicans
  • Munich Comference

    Munich Comference
    The prime minister of Britain met with Adolf Hitler to discuss the terms that he wanted. Hitler talked about him invading Sudentenland but the prime minister said his orders were not able to be fulfilled.
  • Hitler Takes Over Sudentenland

    Hitler felt he had a ligitimate claim upon the area because he saw it as German territory.
  • Spanish Civil War (Ends)

    • Gradually, Franco's forces wore down the Popular Front, and after they captured Madrid on March 28, 1939, the Spanish Civil War finally came to an end.
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    The Germans attacked Belgium, Denmark, and then attacked France. Britain tried to get ther on time to help them but it was too late for them and France surrendered.
  • Battle of Britain (Begins)

    Right after the invasion of France, Adolfe Hitler ordered his generals for an attack on Britain. Hilter had had 160,000 German soldiers aong the coastal stretch of Great Birtain.
  • Battle of Britain (Ends)

    Hitler was going to attack Britain when Britain's new head of Bomber Command ordered an air attck on Berlin. Hitler then left Britain.
  • Hitler Begins Final Solution

    Hitler Begins Final Solution
    Hitler questions himself on how to get rid of the Jewish race. He thought of a plan in 1919. His plan was called "The Final Resolution". He built concentration camps for the Jews to die slowly.
  • Germany Invades USSR

    Germany Invades USSR
    Hitler's Nazi forces stormed across the Russian border where the resistance was met almost immediately. Planes flew overhead dropping their payload on Russian troops and German 88's pounded Russians.
  • Atlantic Charter Signed

    The Atlantic Charter was an agreement between the United States of America and Great Britain that established the vision of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill for a post-World War II world.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a Japan torpedo and bomber planes at 7:55 a.m.Hawaii Time. Franklin D. Roosevelt, then president, declared war on Japan.
  • Battle of Midway

    a three-day long naval battle considered one of the most important of all of the Pacific World War 2 battles. The United States in this battle struck a fatal blow to the Japanese Navy. This battle was fought near Midway Atoll, a Midway island about one third of the way between Hawaii and Japan.