World War I TImeline

  • Assination

    A young royal couple from Austria came to visit Serbia, when they got assinated by a 19-year-old member of the Black Hand.
  • Battle with Serbia

    Austria declared war with Serbia. Russia(who is allies with Serbia) took action in defending Serbia, Leaders all over Eroupe took alarm because their stability was about to collapse.
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    The Schlieffen Plan

    Germany decided to take over France before they started to attack Russia. but on their way there they took over Belgium(which was a nuteral power.). Great Britain was infuritated about this so they declared war with Germany.
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    Eastern Front

    when the Germans where chased back 60 miles they realized their plan wasnt working. When they got back Russia had already invaded most of the east. So they had to fight on both fronts.
  • battle of Northeast Paris

    After four days of fighing on the Western Front Germany decided to retreat and it gave the British time to chase the Germans. They drove them back 60 miles and it left the Schlieffen Plan in ruins.
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    Trench Warfare

    Both armies fought each other from these dug in trenches, it was basically like living in mud. these wernt very good stratigies because the trenches would fill with mud and dead soldiers.
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    Germans decided to launch an attack twoards the french. both sides lost over 300,000 men.
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    Batle of Verdun

    british armies tryed to relieve pressure on the French, so they attacked Germany near Verdun and one day alone killed 20,00 british soldiers.
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    Unresticted Submarine Warfare

    The Germans announed that their submarines would sink any boat in the British waters without warning.
  • The US Now in the War

    President Wilson asked congress to declare war. So now the United States is in the war
  • Russias Truce

    Communist leader Vladimir Lenin called his move. he wanted a truce with Germany.