Wwi picture

World War I

  • womens roles in wwi

    womens roles in wwi
    Many Women made victory gardens, incouraged others to buy war bonds, worked in airplane factories or worked in munitions factories to help the war efort and the war greatly depended on them.
  • Period: to

    World War I Timeline

  • The Spark to the gun powder

    The Spark to the gun powder
    The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinan was one of the straws the the tention between Europe could take and started WW1.
  • three new eapons

    three new eapons
    Three new weapons used in WW1 was tanks, gas, and the machine gun, but these weapons made the death tol on each side much more then the wars before it.
  • Causes of WWI

    Causes of WWI
    Militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism were the causes of WW1.
  • allies vs. central powers

    allies vs. central powers
    The Allies were France, Russia, Britain, Australia,New Zealand,Canada,India,South Africa,W.Indies,Serbia, and USA.The central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkish Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Romania.
  • map

  • trench warefare

    trench warefare
    Trench warfare was common during WW1 and WW1 is the first war to mainly use trench warfare. The soldiers had to use trench warfare because of new weapons like gas and michine guns.
  • british blocade

    british blocade
    The British Blocade blocked "Military supplies" from entering Germany during WW1 so that Germany would eventualy run out of supplies and have to give up, but the problum was that they wouldn't let other things like fertelizer into Germany so farmers could grow crops and lots of German people starved to death.
  • battle of liege

    battle of liege
    The battle of the Liege was the first battle of WW1 and the start of the German invasions of Belgium. The battle began on augest 5, 1914 and ended the 16 of Augest 1914.
  • great migration

    great migration
    The great migration was when lots of blacks came up to the north from the south becausethe Emancipation Proclomation was paced and 90% of blacks still lived in the south.
  • Lusitania sunk

    Lusitania sunk
    The sinking of the Lusitania was one of the main reasons that the US got involved in WW1 by declaring war on Germany.
  • presidential election of 1916

    presidential election of 1916
    The presidental election of 1916 was won by Woodrow Wilson during WW1.
  • espionage & sedition acts

    espionage & sedition acts
    The Espionage and Sedition acts are laws the make it illegal to say or do things that would cause others to interfier with millitary operations.
  • Schenck v United States

    Schenck v United States
    Schenck vs. the US involved the Espionage and Sidition acts because Schenck was hading out fliers to people trying to icourage them to disobay the draft.
  • zimmerman note

    zimmerman note
    Was a telegraph from Germany to Mexico that was in code and proposed that if Mexico ws to help Germany defeat the US the it would get back Texas and other land around there.
  • USA declares war on Germany

    USA declares war on Germany
    After a few Germany U-boats sank ships with American citizens on them and Germany not doing anything to stop it from happening again America goined WW1 by declaring war on Germany.
  • commitee of public information

    commitee of public information
    The commitee of public information influenced the American people to think badly of Germany and the centeral powers.
  • selective service act

    selective service act
    The selective survice act was the draft after the US enetered WW1 by declaring war on Germany.
  • war industries board

    war industries board
    The WIB was a US government agency made during WW1 to control the purcase of war supplies.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a treaty signed by Russia and the centeral powers to mark Russia's exit of WW1.
  • 14 pts.

    14 pts.
    The 14 points was a speach given by Woodrow Wilson our president at the time on january 8, 1918.
  • armistice

    Armistice in this case means a cessation of hostilities as a prelude to peace negotiations.
  • final statistics

    final statistics
    Over all of World War One the was a total of 37,508,686 casualties from all countries involved in WW1. Over all of WW1 a total of $185,533,637,000 Equivalent to $3,900,473,000,000 in todays money.
  • league of nations

    league of nations
    Was an orginization made to prevent any world wars after WW1.
  • the council of four

    the council of four
    Woodrow Wilson of the United States, David Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, and Georges Clemenceau of France were the council of four.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919.