World War I.

  • Causes of WWI.

    Causes of WWI.
    Causes of WWI.Imperilism- extending economic and political control over weeker nations.
    Militarism- development of armed forces and their use as tools of diplomacy.
    Nationalism- devotion to the interest and culture of one nation.
    Alliance System- formal agreement or union between nations.
  • Franz Ferdinad's Assassination.

    Franz Ferdinad's Assassination.
    Franz Ferdinad. Franz Ferdinand and wife, Sopihe, were assasianed by Gravilo Princip on June 28th, 1914. Gravlilo shot him, because Austria wanted 'justification' to take action on Serbia.
  • 3 New Weapons.

    3 New Weapons.
    Weapons of WWI. 3 new weapons that were in WWI are mustard gas, tanks and german submarines. They madie it easier for the opposing sides abbility to take down their enemies from farther distances, efficiently and quite a bit faster.
  • Central Powers vs. Allies.

    Central Powers vs. Allies.
    The Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hunagry, Germany and Bulgaria were all a part of Central Powers in WWI. Italy started out as with the Central Powers, but eventually switched to the Allies. The allies were made up of Great Britian, Russia, France and Serbia.
  • Fighting Begins.

    Fighting Begins.
    Germany invaded Belgium, following a strategy known as the Schlieffen plan.
  • The British Blockade.

    The British Blockade.
    Video on WWI. Fisrt World War. The blockade of Germany was conducted by the Allied Powers trying to stop materials and foodstuff to get shipped to the Central Powers. It is considered one of the key reasons that the Allies one. The German Empire claimed that 736,000 people died. Soldiers and civilans mixed.
  • Trench Warfare.

    Trench Warfare.
    WWI Trench Warfare Scene- "Joyeux Noel" Trench Warfare began August 4th, 1914. The first thing someone would notice in the trenches would be the disgusting smell. It could have been from not showering or the rotting bodies all around. They had troubles with rats and lice. These would rodents caused the soldiers then, to catch a sometimes deadly disease. The trenches were very crowded and gross. There was no room for you to move while in your hideout.
  • The Sinking Of Lusitania.

    The Sinking Of Lusitania.
    The German U-Boat, U-20 spotted the Lusitania at approximetely. 1:40 P.M and they shot a torpedo at it. The ship sunk within 18 minutes. 128 American's died, but we still didn't go to war. The germans are to blame for those deaths.
  • The Great Migration.

    The Great Migration.
    Digital History. The First World war accelerated the Great Migration. The great migration is the large-scale movement of hundred of thousands of Southern blacks to cities in the North. Many African-Americans wanted to escape racial discrimination in the South. Also, a boll weevil infestation, aided by floods and droughts, had ruined much of south's cotton fields.
  • Election of 1916.

    Election of 1916.
    Election of 1916. Woodrow Wilson won, because “he kept us out of war.” Which was his slogan.
  • Espinoage Act.

    Espinoage Act.
    The Espionage Act made quickly by Congress following the U.S. declaration of war on Germany authorized federal officials to make summary arrests of people whose opinions “threatened national security.”
  • The Zimmerman Note.

    The Zimmerman Note.
    The Zimmerman Telegram. The zimmerman note was sent from Germany to Mexico asking them to join an aliance with Germany. The Germans told Mexico that they would help get the USA back to for them. Thus forcing the American's to go into war, rather than be attacked.
  • American's Join The Fight.

    American's Join The Fight.
    We joined the fight, because the Germans were persuading Mexico to attack us.
  • Women's Roles.

    Women's Roles.
    Video of Women's Roles in WWI. While the men were overseas fighting, the women had to move into jobs that were recently held by the men. Like, working on the railroad, mining and dockworking, etc. This helped booster support for the woman suffrage.
  • Committee On Public Information. (CPI)

    Committee On Public Information. (CPI)
    First World War. Was created to influence U.S. public opinion regarding American participation in World War I. They used every medium available to create enthusiasm for the war effort and enlist public support against foreign attempts to undercut America's war aims. The leader was George Creel.
  • Selective Service Act.

    Selective Service Act.
    Video on Selective Service Act. It was a draft passed by the congress for men to enter the U.S army for WWI.
  • War Industries Board. (WIB)

    War Industries Board. (WIB)
    War Industries Board. Was an orginization established during World War I, to coordinate the purchase of war supplies. The organization encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency and urged them to eliminate waste by standardizing products. Frank A. Scott was the leader.
  • Fourteen Points.

    Fourteen Points.
    President Wilson's Fourteen Points. Fourteen Points is a speech that Woodrow Wilson brought before the congress. The first five points were issues that he believed had to be adressed to prevent another war. The next eight points dealt with boundary changes. The fourteenth point called for the creation of an international organization to address diplomatic like those that sparked in the war.
  • Armistice.

    This was an agreement that ended the fighting in the First World War. It was signed in a railway carriage in Compiègne Forest and marked a victory for the Allies and a complete defeat for Germany,
  • Final Statistics of WWI.

    Final Statistics of WWI.
    First Worl War: Statistics. There were a total of 57,476 Americans that died and there was an overall of 8,538,315 deaths from 11 different countries. The total financial input of the United States was $22,625,253,000. All together there was $60,643,160,000 put into WWI.
  • The "Big Four."

    The "Big Four."
    The big 4 leaders were Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Orlando-- they worked out the treaty's details among themselves. The countries involved were United States, France ,Great Britain and Italy.
  • Map.

    Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Turkey. Austria and Hungary were combined before the war, but after the war became separate.
    Turkey was actually not a new country, it was called the Ottoman Empire before the war, and one of the Central Powers. Following the Treaty of Versailles, it lost a lot of land like was agreed upon, and then was no longer called the Ottoman Empire, and is now modern day Turkey.
  • The League of Nations.

    The League of Nations.
    League Of Nations. The League of Nations was introduced by Woodrow Wilson and was set up to handle disputes among countries and avoid another major conflict such as the Great War. Even though we never ratified it.
  • Schenck vs. United States.

    Schenck vs. United States.
    Schenck was taken in by police for making a negative speech about the WWI draft. The United States Supreme Court decision that upheld the Espionage Act of 1917 and concluded that a defendant did not have a First Amendment right to freedom of speech against the draft during World War I. Ultimately, the case established the "clear and present danger" test
  • Treaty of Versailles.

    Treaty of Versailles.
    Established nine new nations-- including Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the other kingdom that later became Yugoslavia-- and shifted the boundaries of other nations. It contained a war-guilt clause forcing Germany to admit sole responsibility for starting WWI. Germany then had no army, lost land, and will pay for war damages. Russia lost land and American's won't support the treaty.