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World War 2 & Cold War

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    This created aggression against China. Japan was trying to solve economic problems through expansion. The US responded by imposing trade restrictions.
  • Munich Pact

    This was created by Britain and France. They allowed Hitler to have more land as long as he didn't seek more, but Hitler broke the pact in less than six months.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazis torched the Jewish churches, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and businesses, and killed almost 100 jews. Basically, they didn't like the jews at all and they were trying everything to get them out.
  • Neutrality Acts

    Allowed nations at war to buy goods from the US if they paid with cash and carried the merchandise to their own ship.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    This led to France and Britain declaring war on Germany. Germany quickly raided France and launched air raids on Britain.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Congress authorizes Roosevelt to transfer or otherwise dispose of to any such government any defense article " necessary in the interest of the defense of the United States."
  • Atlantic Charter

    Winston Churchill signed this document and is stated self-determination and an international system of general security. It also showed FDR's commitment to opposing German and Japanese aggression.
  • Exec order 8022

    A march was organized demanding equal access to war time jobs. Prohibited ethnic or racial discrimination in the nation's defense industry.
  • Atlantic Conference

    The alliance strengthened between the US & Great Britain by signing the Atlantic Charter. The declaration was released by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on August 14, 1941
  • Attack on pearl harbor

    The Japanese did a surprise attack on the pearl harbor naval base. 2400 Americans killed, 1300 wounded, and 19 US ships sunk or damaged.
  • Exec order 9066

    This Authorized the internment of Americans of Japanese descent and resident aliens from Japan. Japanese people weren't excepted because they looked different.
  • Battle of Midway

    This was a victory but not for the Japanese, the battle of midway stopped the Japanese advance and may them play defense.
  • Operation Torch

    The attack on North Africa was launched to free the Mediterranean sea from German control and to make sure the oil fields in the middle east are safe.
  • D-day

    This was the invasion of Normandy. Germany was locked in on three fronts, resources had to be sent to a western front.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    This was the last German offensive and the start of ending the nazis. American+British+French marched towards Berlin from the west after the Battle of the Bulge. They met at Berlin to destroy whatever was left.
  • Korematsu v United States

    This was based on a Japanese American named Fred who refused to leave his home. He then took his case to the supreme court but unfortunately, he lost.
  • Yalta Conference

    Churchill, FDR, and Stalin created this as the final way to defeat Europe and discuss the post-war European plans.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagaski

    President Truman dropped the atomic bombs on both Hiroshima and Nagaski. He wanted to prevent the necessity from landing and fighting.
  • United Nations is Created

    This was created to promote International Cooperation and to maintain International Order. This was based on the Leauge of Nations.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    This established that everyone is responsible for their actions. It also established the precedent for future trials on war crimes.
  • Truman Doctrine

    This document pledged to contain Communism in Europe and was first applied when the United States supplied military and financial aid to Greece and Turkey.
  • Marshall Plan

    This is when the US offered Finacial Aid to promote economic rebuilding and prevent the fall of European countries to communism.
  • Israel is established

    The US supported the Jewish people's self-determination and created Israel for the Jewish people. The US supported israel.
  • Berlin Arilift

    The US supplied Berlin with food and resources because the Soviets blockaded berlin. And the US won the Cold War confrontation with the berlin airlift.
  • US establishes Nato

    Created a military alliance and focused on the soviet union. The soviet union made a warsaw pact with European nations against NATO.
  • Soviet Union Test atomic bomb

    This created fear in the US and they stepped their game up to create a hydrogen bomb and it created a nuclear arms race.
  • Korean Conflict

    The communist in North Korea invaded South Korea. United Nations voted unanimously to demand a ceasefire and support police action’ to defend South Korea. Most of the support came from the US for this war.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    This extended containment to the Middle East because of communism.
  • Soviet Union launch Sputnik

    This was the start of the space race. This created fears that reflected in building bomb shelters. The US had a crazy comeback and took the lead and won.
  • National Defencse education act

    This was a result caused by the space race. This wanted to promote science and math skills and counteract the fear of consumerism.
  • Rise of the Berlin Wall

    This was a symbol of the cold war to separate East and West Germany. It kept people from escaping to freedom.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    The US supported the Afghan resistance movement. But afghan began to create groups like the Taliban, which helped and sheltered Al Qaeda.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Movement for liberation in Eastern Europe and changes in the soviet union. This was the end of the Cold War.