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World War 2

By hydeh
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Italy adopted Hitler's ideology of master race and Italy wanted to expand the colonization of Italy.
  • Germany reoccupys the Rhineland

    Germany reoccupys the Rhineland
    The Rhineland was the Germans best fighting land in World War 1. A part of the agreement for the end of World War 1 was for the Germans to demilitarize and get out of the Rhineland. Due to the pain that World War 1 caused the world didn't want any conflicts, and because the overwhelming undesired threat of war came about America appeased Germany and allowed them to occupy the land.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    With the Germans no having to worry about their Italian allies nor the soviets with the nonaggression act Germany invades Poland with Russia so that Germany and Russia could split the country between the two powers.
  • Germany, Japan, and Italy join the Axis Powers

    Germany, Japan, and Italy join the Axis Powers
    As a pact for the war about to rage on they became partners against the rest of the world in their seek for world domination.
  • Germany invades Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and France

    Germany invades Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and France
    Germany declared war on France and with the French making defenses on the German border, Germany goes through a neutral state and attacks the french.
  • President Roosevelt makes the Lend-Lease act

    President Roosevelt makes the Lend-Lease act
    America after World War 1 became a isolationist country once again and to make money with the Great Depression in effect in America selling food, guns, and other supplies to the Allied powers allowed america to to end the Great Depression Crisis.
  • America Joins the Allied Powers

    America Joins the Allied Powers
    France, Britain, The Soviet Union, and America make up the Allied powers to fight against the Axis Powers.