17759 world war 1

World war 1 timeline

  • The war starts

    The war starts
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is asassinated. The result is Austria Hungary declaring war on Serbia. Which in turn results in Russia declaring war on Austria Hungary. Soldiers in the trench
  • Russia joins the war

    Russia joins the war
    Russia declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary in defence of Serbia. Russian imperial flag
  • Germany joins the war

    Germany joins the war
    Germnay declares war of Russia in support of Austria-Hungary. German imperial flag
  • France joins the war

    France joins the war
    France is forced into the war after Germany declares war on France. French flag
  • Britain joins the war

    Britain joins the war
    Britain joins the war in defence of France and Belguim. Union jack
  • First battle or Marne

    First battle or Marne
    A french counter attack stops the initial German assult and begins world war ones infamous trench warfare. French at Marne
  • First battle of Ypres

    First battle of Ypres
    The British and German forces converge on Ypres for its statigic purposes. Soldiers caarrying the woundered off the battle field
  • Second battle of Ypres

    Second battle of Ypres
    The Germans made an assult on a French line. Poison gas was used by the Germnas. This was the first time gas had been used as a weapon. Soldiers with cloths over their face to act as gas masks
  • Gallipoli landing

    Gallipoli landing
    Allied troops land in Gallipoli in order to try and take the Turkish out of the war. It is the first Australian involvement in the war. The beach at Galipolli
  • Battle of Verdun begins

    Battle of Verdun begins
    The germans assult Verdun in beliefe that the french would exaughst their troops defending it. The longest battle of world war one ended on 16th of December that year. A memorial picture of two soldiers over a grave saying verdun.
  • Battle of the Somme begins

    Battle of the Somme begins
    The allies attempt to make a rapid advancment against the Germans but fail, leading to a 6 month long battle in northern France. A memorial of the somme
  • Battle of Fromelles

    Battle of Fromelles
    The Allies launch an attack on the german line to try and draw the Germans away from the Somme. First major Australian invlovement on the western front. An arial picture of Fromelles
  • America joins the war

    America joins the war
    America declares war on Germany after Germany broke a pledge to remove its submarines from the North Atlantic. The American flag
  • Battle of Vimy ridge

    Battle of Vimy ridge
    The Allies launch an assult Vimy ridge. a strategic point held by the germans since 1914. A sign warning of unexploded explosives
  • Hill 60

    Hill 60
    Allies are ordered to attack a heavily fortified German post south of Ypres that had been held since 1914. Mines were placed under Hill 60 and exploded. The explosion was felt in London. Soldiers in the trench
  • Battle of Passchendaele

    Battle of Passchendaele
    Also known as the third battle of Ypres. The British launched an assult on the German line after two weeks of shelling but faced many of the same problems as the Somme. A shell crater in Passchendaele
  • Second battle of Marne

    Second battle of Marne
    The Germans make a last ditch attempt towards Paris but are held back by the Allied forces. Soldiers in the trench
  • Final push

    Final push
    The French British and Americans adavnce towards Germany as aliances between the centeral powers start to collapse. Soldier preparing to climb over the trench.
  • Germany begins to crumble

    Germany begins to crumble
    As German politics fall apart. their navy mutinies and overtakes the city of Kiel. This starts a revolution throught the country. An image of Kiel
  • Austria-Hungary surrenders

    Austria-Hungary surrenders
    Austria-Hungary signs an armistice and agrees to negotiate peace. The Austria-Hungary imperial Flag
  • German Kaiser abducates

    German Kaiser abducates
    Germanies Kaiser abducates fleeing across the border to the Netherlands. An Image of the German Kaiser
  • The fighting stops

    The fighting stops
    A german republic is declared. at 5 A.M. peace feelers are extended to the allies and a armistice is signed. This included the agreement to stop the fighting across the western front at 11 A.M. A news paper tell of the end of the war.
  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of Versailles is signed finaly puting an end to the war. the treaty however leaves Germany and Austria-Hungary shatered. A picture taken of the treaty