World War 1 people

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    His assassination causes Austria to declare war on Serbia.
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    Advocated that the United Kingdom adopt a strong stance against German aggression, and authorized the mobilization of the Royal Navy.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Wilson sought to maintain American neutrality after the outbreak of World War One and was re-elected president in 1916 on the slogan 'He Kept Us Out of War'. ... In January 1918, in a major speech to Congress, Wilson laid out his Fourteen Points, which he believed should form the basis of the peace settlements in Europe.
  • John Pershing

    John Pershing
    commanded the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in Europe during World War I. Although Pershing aimed to maintain the independence of the AEF, his willingness to integrate into Allied operations helped bring about the armistice with Germany.