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World War 1

  • Period: to

    through the years of world war one

  • Assassination of franz ferdinand

    Assassination of franz ferdinand
    Franz ferdinand, archduke of Austria- Hungary. him and his wife were murdered in Sarajevo, Bosnia. This caused an entrance to war.
  • Germany declares war

    Germany declares war
    Germany declares war on Belgium. Great Britain gave Austria-Hungary second resort to stand down. Austria-Hungary did not cooperate, a state of war was declared.
  • the start of it all

    the start of it all
    Joesef Kiss was despatched to serve against Russian forces with the 72nd Infantry Regiment. Receiving a heavy wound in the Carpathians Kiss was sent home to recuperate. In this time he decided he wanted to join the air forces
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Trenches were built all along the eastern side. Trench warfare protected the troops. The trench warfare caused stalemate.
  • The Restrictions of Boats

    The Restrictions of Boats
    Britain set up a blockade of german U-boats. Any Boats that could be considered a valuable target were banned. Even neutral vessels are restricted.
  • A shell crisis

    A shell crisis
    The shell crisis exposes the failing of the british government to support the front line troops. Not happy with the recent rising of casualties the government forms a coalition . The prime minister asquith struggles to maintain the control of the house of commons.
  • The use of Gas for the 1st time

    The use of Gas for the 1st time
    The great allied offensives focused on Loos and Champange. At the Battle of Loos gas was used by the British for the first time. But due to heavy wind, the gas is blown onto their own troops and it results in 2632 casualties and 7 deaths.
  • Evacuation

    Allies evacuate 83,000 troops from Suvla Bay. Not one troop or soldier was killed in the withdrawal. The Turkish are unaware of the evacuation.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun begins with a German troop against the Mort-Homme Ridge. The plan is to get rid of the French men and resources. The battle lasts 10 months and over 1 million men have casualties.
  • Hes not an observer

    Hes not an observer
    Joesef Kiss was assigned to Flik 24 in the south Tyrol, first as an observer. Shortly afterwards he gained full pilot's duties. Kiss then opened his 'kill' tally on June 20th1916 while flying a Hansa-Brandenburg C.I. While attached to Flik 24 Kiss with a total of six air successes.
  • The Battle of Jutland

    The Battle of Jutland
    The Battle of Jutland started when gun shots were fired between the German and scouting forces. The British Admiral takes advantage of the fading daylight and scores dozen of direct hits. The German High Seas Fleet is forced to quit despite inflicting more losses on the Royal Navy (14 ships and 6,100 men), But the German fleet stays damaged for the rest of the war.
  • The Battle of The Unleashed

    The Battle of The Unleashed
    The Battle of the Somme sees 750,000 Allied soldiers released along a 25 mile front. At the end of the day almost 60,000 are dead, wounded or missing for very little prize. It is was the worst 1 day fight in British military history.
  • The fearless Joesf

    The fearless Joesf
    This month brought Kiss a posting to Flik 55j in the Trentino where he made a friendship with Julius Arigi, Flying an Albatross D.III coated in black with the letter 'K' painted on both sides of the aircraft's. Kiss achieved mounting success, for which he received no less than 8 medals in recognition of his fearless (almost reckless) courage.
  • The wounded

    The wounded
    after discovering that he had been turned down for a promotion to become officer rank on account of his humble background. Kiss nonetheless continued to have a growing tally of kills despite being shot down seriously wounded.
  • Killed in action

    Killed in action
    Killed in action over Valsugana, italy .Kiss had achieved 19 victories. Somewhat belatedly he was promoted posthumously to Lieutenant