World War l

  • The Cause

    The Cause
    Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated by a serbian terrorist. As the archduke was on his way to see a police officer in Bonia he was shot. Gavrilo Princip, the man who shot the archduke, was dying of tuberculosis. Knowing his death was near, he wasn't scared to kill the archduke.
  • The start of the war

    The start of the war
    Nationalism, imperialism and militarism were all causes that led up to the archduke being assassinated. After him and his wife were assassinated, Austria declared war out of anger. The alliance system forced countries to choose sides, this spiraled out of control starting WWl. This happens exactly one month after the attack.
  • The alliance system

    The alliance system
    Germany declared war on Russia, France and then invaded Belgium. They did this in hope that those countries wouldn’t attack Austria-Hungary. Britain declars war on Germany, trying to stop them from getting to the other countries. In the end, Germany didn’t get the outcome they were hoping for, if they did, would WWll ever have started ?
  • The Battle of Mons

    The Battle of Mons
    The battle of Mons.The Battle of Mons was the first major action of the British Expeditionary Force during World War 1. It was a supplementary action of the Battle of the Frontiers, in which the Allies clashed with Germany on the French borders. 70,000 British Soldiers are undertaken by 160,000 German troops.
  • The Battle of Marne

    The Battle of Marne
    The Battle of Marne was fought for 7 days and ended in a victory for the allied powers. This was fought to the North and East of Paris. In this battle the French threw back the Germans advance that had threaten to ruin their country.
  • The sinking ship

    The sinking ship
    The sinking of the Lusitania was caused by the Germans when they sent a U-boat to torpedo this British ship. U-boats are destructive German submarines. Anyway, 128 American lives ended that day, turning America against the Germans and pushed them closer into the war. Although Germany had sent warnings, the world is shocked by this unpredicted attack on the civilians.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun lasted 10 months and was one of the largest and longest battles fought. In the beginning Germany advanced 6 miles, but the French came back ending basically where they had started. At the end of this battle both sides were left with more than 600,000 causalities.
  • The Battle of Jutland

    The Battle of Jutland
    This battle included over 100,000 men and 250 ships. The Battle of Jutland only lasted 1 day and there was about 10,000 causalities. Unlike most of the battle this was fought on the North Sea.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    Start of the battle of Somme. This was the largest battle fought by the armies of the British and French empires against the German Empire. This battle was fought near the Somme River in France giving it it’s name, the Battle of Somme. It was the bloodiest battle in history with both sides losing over half a million soldiers.
  • The end of the Battle of Somme

    The end of the Battle of Somme
    End of the battle of Somme. British Commander in Chief, Sir Douglas Haig tells his armies offense to halt near the Somme River in northwestern France, ending the Battle of the Somme after over four months of many casualties. With winter rolling around this was probably a smart choice. Many say that the British never stood a chance against the Germans, which makes sense because they only advanced 7 miles and never broke the German's defense line.
  • America joins the war

    America joins the war
    Woodrow Wilson, the president of the US, persuades congress to allow the US to declare war on Germany.After Germany sends a message to mexico with the zimmerman telegraph it was an easy desicion for President Wilson.The message was an offer for the Mexicans to join the war and secretly attack us.Obviously this angered us, confincing us to enter the war with the allies which was a major turning point in the war.Germany’s army now faces the economic and military might of the world’s rising power.
  • Harry Frieman

    Harry Frieman
    At 5:30 P.M. Harry Frieman was drafted by the Army and sent to camp Meade.
  • Air bombs in the war

    Air bombs in the war
    Harry Frieman says two raiding planes took over the army’s line and dropped two air bombs somewhere in the Argonne Forest. This is very close to him them but no one was hurt.
  • In the Argonne Forest

    In the Argonne Forest
    The start of the battle of the Argonne Forest they began to advance upon the “Huns”. Harry Frieman says twenty-six hundred cannons of all sizes were opened tearing up the land which made it harder for them to advance. There were few casualties and for it being their first day, they advanced pretty far, killing lots of “huns”.
  • The End of the war

    The End of the war
    At 7:00 am Harry woke up ready to fight the battle of the Argonne Forest, and fell asleep celebrating their victory. The Battle of the Argonne Forest was the final battle, which lasted 47 days and was fought along the western front . Germany signed an armistice with the Allies – making it the official date of the end of World War One.
  • After War

    After War
    After the war, Harry Frieman seems to have a good life. He goes to the movies a lot, he tried ice cream for the first time. He seems to be living a pretty good life and that's how his diary ends.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Germans sign the treaty of Versailles. This treaty made peace, and officially ended World War I between Germany and the allied powers. It was signed exactly 5 years after archduke Ferdinand gets assassinated