World War 1

  • Archduke Franz-Ferdinand of Austria Assasinated

    Gavrilo Princip (Serbia) assassinates Archduke Franz-Ferdinand (Austria), causing Germany to declare war on Serbia.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Russia ordered a partial mobilization in support of Serbia the day after.
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    World War 1

  • Germans threaten war

    Germans threatened war if the Russians did not demobilize.
  • Germany declares war on Russia: Beginning of World War I

    2 days later, Germany declared war on France. The Germans invaded and violated Belgium's official neutrality which caused Britain to declare war upon Germany.
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    Battle of Tannenberg

    2 Russian armies invaded German East Prussia in hopes of getting an army advantage over the Germans. Unfortunately for the Russians, the Germans intercepted an uncoded message that allowed them to take advantage of the issues between the 2 Russian forces. After the Germans were reinforced, they captured and destroyed the rest of the Russian Armies which resulted in a defeat for the Russians
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    Battle of Marn

    This ended the German's "Schlieffen" plan to take over France in a circular motion. In exchange of saving Paris from capture, the French lost the industrial north east of france. This also created a deadlock between the countries that would take another 3 years to break.
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    First Battle of Ypres

    This was the battle for the strategic town of Ypres. This town had control over the English Channel ports and the British Army's supply lines. This was a part of the Race to the Sea and caused the trench warfare on the western front with an Allied victory
  • Germany's first Zepplin Bombing in England

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    Dardanelles Campaign

    Plan to take over Dardanelles Channel to eventually siege Constantinople
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    Second Battle of Ypres

    The second Battle of Ypres was the first mass use of poison gas by Germany. The battle dragged on for many weeks however, which resulted in a stalemate for both sides. Allied forces lost nearly twice as many men than the Germans
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    Battle of Gallipoli

    Consideredc one of the greatestlosses for the Allies.British and the French were planning to take over the sea route to Russia. However, after 8 months of war and over a quarter of a million of losses on both sides, the Ottoman empire eventually surged back and defended themselves.
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    Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun is known as one of the most lengthiest battels in world history.
  • Canadians take over Vimy Ridge

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    Battle of Passchendaele

    Also known as the Third Battle of Ypres in west Flanders which resulted in an Allied victory
  • End of World War 1

    Germany signs the Armistice at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.