Wwi15 1

World War 1

  • Franz Ferdinand assasinated.

    Franz Ferdinand assasinated.
    A Serbian group called the Black Hand decided to assasinate Franz Ferdinand on his way to make an inspection of the Austro-Hungarian troops.They failed to assasinate him on the way to the inspection, but they did injure civilians and Franz insisted on going back to see how the wounded were. he was then killed by a man named Gavrilo Princip.
    *The man who murded Franz Ferdinand, Gavrilo Pricip
  • Period: to


  • Austria declared war on Serbia

    Austria declared war on Serbia
    exactly one month after the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a serbian assasin Gavrilo Princip. Austria declared war on Serbia.
    *A Newspaper article on Austria declaring war on Serbia
  • Great Britain declared war on Germany

    Great Britain declared war on Germany
    at 11pm an ultimatum was sent to Germany during the day, requiring assurances that the neutrality of Belgium would be respected, a reply being requested by midnight. The reply was in effect a rejection of the British demand, whereupon war was declared.
    *A newspaper article written when Britain declared war on Germany
  • The Battle of Ypres

    The Battle of Ypres
    British troops entered Ypres in October, unaware of the size of the German army. but the british had experience on their side, it was basically proffesional British soilders taking on students with just 6 weeks of training. 1,500 germans were killed and 600 taken prisoner.
    *Soilders going to battle at Ypres
  • Britain bombarded the Turkish forts in the Dardenelles

    Britain bombarded the Turkish forts in the Dardenelles
    The assault started at long range but then crept closer. as a result the Turks abandoned the outer forts. And the british minesweepers were brought forward and managed to penetrate 6 miles into the strait clearing the Dardenelles of all mines. The minesweepers pressed forward but were forced to retreat after heavy gunfire from the turks.
    *A picture of the fights at the Dardenelles
  • Allied troops land in Gallipoli

    Allied troops land in Gallipoli
    The landing was mean't for Brighton Beach, but they made the mistake of landing at Gallipoli.The ANZACS set ashore to bombard the Turks but this failed and the turks shot down the unaware ANZACS from above. Casualties: Approximately 252,000 or 52% for the British/French while the Ottoman Turks suffered about 300,000 casualties or a rate of 60%.
    *The ANZACS landing at Gallipoli
  • Italy declares war on Germany and Austria

    Italy declares war on Germany and Austria
    When World War 1 broke out Italy declared itself as neutral, despite its association with the triple alliance since 1882 with Austria and Germany. Italy wanted to know hpw they could get the most out of the war, so they signed a treaty with the British that promised them land if they agreed to join them. so in concequence the Italians had to declare war on Germany and Austria.
    *A poster from when Italy declared war on Germany
  • The start of the battle of Loos

    The start of the battle of Loos
    This attack of 6 divisions was so big that at the time was named "The Big Push." In this battle poisonous gases were used for the first time by the British army.Despite heavy casualties, there was considerable success on the first day in breaking into the deep enemy positions near Loos and Hulluch.
    *The charge of the Scottish regiments
  • Allied troops start the evacuation of Gallipoli

    Allied troops start the evacuation of Gallipoli
    British war minister Lord Kitchener sent a letter back to Britain asking for 95,000 reinforcements, he was offered 25,000. the confidence in the Gallipoli project was dwindling.Thus with the possibility of further reinforcements to the region seemingly ruled out, Hamilton received word on 11 October 1915 of a proposal to evacuate the peninsula.
  • The start of the battle of Verdun

    The start of the battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was the longest single battle of World War One. The casualties from Verdun and the impact the battle had on the French Army was a primary reason for the British starting the Battle of the Somme. The battle lasted 10 months and it was to make General Philippe Pétain a hero in France.
    *the graves of the people who fort in the battle of Verdun.
  • British forces surrendered to the Turkish forces at Kut in Mesopotamia

    British forces surrendered to the Turkish forces at Kut in Mesopotamia
    In the single largest surrender of troops in British history to that time, some 13,000 soldiers under the command of Sir Charles Townshend gave in to the Turkish troops. after early success of the invasion Mesopotamia, the troops moved up the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to Baghdad but were rebuffed by Turkish troops although outnumbering them 2-1 which were made partially up of indian soilders.
    *The men that surrendered at Kut
  • The battle of Jutland

    The battle of Jutland
    The British ruled the seas supreme to any other, the Germans however wanted to show that they too also ruled the seas and so they went to battle and althought the british lost many shipas and men they were still considered the winning side, and from then the germans were to weak to fight at sea.
    *Ships at battle at Jutland
  • The start of the Battle of Somme

    The start of the Battle of Somme
    For a number of months the French had been taking severe losses at Verdun. So to relieve the French, the High Command decided to attack the germans to the north of Verdun which then forced the Germans to move some of their men away from the battlefield.
    *The wounded at the battle of Somme
  • USA declares war on Germany

    USA declares war on Germany
    At 8:30 on the evening of April 2, 1917, President Wilson appeared before a joint session of Congress and asked for a declaration of war against Germany in order to "make the world safe for democracy." On April 4, Congress granted Wilson's request. Wilson realized war was inevitable but agonized over the decision for what it might do to the spirit of the nation. He feared war would change America forever, making her tougher, less humane.
    *Newspaper article on the US declaring war
  • Start of the third battle of Ypres

    Start of the third battle of Ypres
    It was planned to break through the strongly fortified and in-depth German defences enclosing on Ypres, a protruding bulge in the British front line, with the intention of sweeping through to the German submarine bases on the Belgian coast. The battle comprised of a series of limited and costly offensives, often undertaken in the most difficult of waterlogged conditions.
    *The the third battle of Ypres firing line
  • The Battle of Carporetto

    The Battle of Carporetto
    Aided by mist, the German attack completely surprised the Italians. The German commander of the German force, Otto von Bulow, was surprised by the success of his initial attacks. Cadorna ordered the commander at Caporetto to man a defensive line. However, the commander, Capello, decided on the opposite. He adopted a policy of aggression against the enemy which proved very costly and unsuccessful. By the end of the day, the Germans had advanced 25 kms.
    *Italian prisoners taken by the German
  • Armistice between Germany and Russia signed.

    Armistice between Germany and Russia signed.
    To keep an honourable and lasting piece between Russia, Germany, Austria and Turkey. An armiistice began on December 17th at 2pm and continued to th 14th of January. The contracting parties have the right to break the armistice by giving seven days' notice. Unless notice is given the armistice automatically continues.
    *A newspaper article from when the armistice was signed
  • The Second Battle of Marne

    The Second Battle of Marne
    In what began as the last major German offensive of the First World War, Allied victory.23 German divisions of the First and Third Armies, under Mudra and Einem, attacked the French Fourth Army (commanded by Gouraud) to the east of Reims, while a further 17 divisions of the Seventh Army, under Boehm, assisted by the new Ninth Army under Eben, attacked the French Sixth Army (Degoutte) in the west.
    *Soilders under gun fire in the second battle of Marne
  • Germany asks allies for Armistice

    Germany asks allies for Armistice
    Germany on the 29th of October put forward the idea of an armistice to bring peace and joy back into the world. This armistice was then placed into action on the 11th of November the 11th month at 11am. The war still went as it had done until the 11/11/11 when it all stopped.
    *allies signing the armistice
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    At 5 AM on the morning of November 11 an armistice was signed in a railroad car parked in a French forest near the front lines.The terms of the agreement called for the cessation of fighting along the entire Western Front to begin at precisely 11 AM that morning. After over four years of bloody conflict, the Great War was at an end.
    *American troops at the front celebrate the end of fighting