About world war i

World War 1

  • WW1 started

    WW1 started
    on june 28th 1914 ww1 started when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assasinated. The point of the assasination was to break off Austria-Hungary's south-Slav provinces .
  • WW1 was between

    WW1 was between
    The war was fought between the Central Powers,Germany,Austria-Hungary,and Japan.
    Their Allies were,Britain,France,Russia
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • The US enters the war

    The US enters the war
    The us Entered WW1 in 1917. The US tried to remain a neutral nation. In 1915 the Lusitania was sunk without a warning, killing over 120 Americans.
  • Wilsons 14 points

    Wilsons 14 points
    President wilson created the 14 points to keep the peace between the nations. The 14 points included a peace keeping group called the league of Nations..Congress rejected US involvement in the league.
  • The war ends

    The war ends
    The war ended with the treaty of Versailles. In the Treaty of Versailles it charged germany with war guilt,and forced germany to pay resperations worth the damage done in the war.