World war 1

World War 1

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand's Assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand's Assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Of Austria Was Assassinated By A Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
  • Austria declared war on Serbia

    Austria declared war on Serbia
    The government blamed the Serbian government for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife and declared war on Serbia.
  • Gremany Declares War

    Gremany Declares War
    Gremay Declared War On Russia
  • British declaration of war

    British declaration of war
    Germany Didnt Not Withdraw From Belgum And Britan Delcared War On Germany.
  • Japan Declared war

    Japan Declared war
    Japan Declared War On Germany With Their Alliance With Great Britan.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    The Battle of Tannenberg begins.
  • Battle of Masurian Lakes

    Battle of Masurian Lakes
    After defeating the Russian Second army, the Germans turned their attention to the Russian First army at Masurian Lakes. Although the Germans were unable to defeat the army completely, over 100,000 Russians were taken prisoner.
  • Germany Declares a " Warzone"

    Germany Declares a " Warzone"
    Germany declares a "war zone" around Great Britain, essentially effecting a submarine blockade where even neutral merchant vessels were to be potential targets.
  • Second Battle Of Ypres

    The Second Battle of Ypres begins. The First Battle Of Ypres The Gemans used poison gas.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun begins. The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of World War I and was one of the bloodiest.
  • The Battle Of Jutland

    The Battle Of Jutland
    The major naval battle of the war, the Battle of Jutland begins.
  • Battle Of The Somme

    Battle Of The Somme
    The Battle of the Somme begins. During the Battle of the Somme, tanks are first introduced into battle.
  • Germany sends the Zimmerman Telegram To Mexico

    Germany sends the Zimmerman Telegram To Mexico
    Germany sends the secret Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico in an effort to entice Mexico to join the war. The British intercept and decipher the coded message.
  • End of World War 1

    End of World War 1
    Germany signed an armistice with the Allies