Virginia history

World History in The Eyes of Aaron Grieshop

  • American Revolution

    American Revolution This was a continuous struggle for the United States as they tried to gain independece from the British monarchy. Eventually after writing a Declaration of Independence, the attained what they fought for, the "United" States of AMERICA. This event influenced and will continue to influence unhappy citizens living in a world with an unjust government to revolt for what is right.
  • Creation of thr Declaration of Independence

    Creation of thr Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independece was a document that was written in order for the colonists of the 13 Colonies to gain idependence and become the United States of America. The signing of the most important document in American history. A document in which the rights of people is written.
  • French Revoltuion

    French Revoltuion French Revolution was a rebellion started by the third class of 19th century France. Unhappy with the government they demanded liberties that were not met. After years of talk they put there words into action, they revolted against the monarchy killing it! The FR Showed future generations what happens if two much power is in the hands of one ruler and what the opposing people willl do. This also showed future generations how not to rule a government.
  • The Reign of Napoleon

    The Reign of Napoleon Coup d'état'd the french government and took over France creating an almost unstoppable government. Leading campaigns mush like Alexander the Great and conqured most of Europe. First established Dictatorship.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812 The war of 1812 occured when the British seized US ships and restricted them from trading with France, even thought the British had no control over America. This war caused Relations between Britian and the US changed drastically. Treaties were made for demilitarized boundaries that remained in effect to this day.
  • Karl Marx and The Social Revolution

    Karl Marx and The Social Revolution Karx Marx's idea gave a whole new look at ways to rule and how to run a country by giving all the power to the government and ruling by economic purposes, or in political terms "communism."
  • Japan from Tokugawa to Meiji

    Japan from Tokugawa to Meiji The powerful and long reign of the Tokugawa ended which began the rule of the Meiji. This new government open Japan to trade and modern influences.
  • Age of Imperialism

    Age of Imperialism Imperialism has been the most powerful force in world history over the last four to five centuries, designating continents while oppressing indigenous citizens and destorying entire civilizations.
  • Afghanistan's Attack on Britian

    Afghanistan's Attack on Britian The governer of Kabul Amanullah Khan lead a suprise attack on the Brit's putting them under pressure from unrest in India and suffering costs from WWI.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles World War I considered the "Great War," was the first war where all central and major powers were involved. WWI also experienced different typers of warfare such as chemical warfare and fighting from the air. The treaty of Versailles was a document signed that ended all MAJOR conflict. The document was signed June 28 1919 and was in effect in Januray of 1920.