Period 7 overview 300x300

Time Period 7

  • “Influence of Sea Power Upon History”

    “Influence of Sea Power Upon History”
    two-volume work that argued that sea power was the key to military and economic expansion
  • Expansion and Progression

    Expansion and Progression
    The Annexation of Hawaii started the U.S's rise to global power and with the help of yellow journalism made the U.S make major changes to its foreign policy. The U.S became involved with the Spanish American war due to the influence of the DE Lome letter and the sinking of the Maine which ended their non-involvement policy. Many people changed their political views of U.S changes brought by the teller amendment, anti-imperialist league, Filipino independence, and Progressive initiatives.
  • Changing of the Political Structure

    Changing of the Political Structure
    The Insular Cases brought many Supreme Court opinions on the status of many newly acquired U.S territories which lead to the creation of the Socialist party which was created to express more peoples views on the countries current state. The supreme court passed the Platt amendment to withdraw troops from Cuba allowing them more freedoms.
  • Economic Growth

    Economic Growth
    The Square Deal and Newlands Reclamation act gave the government power over corporations to protect consumers and to construct projects on arid lands
  • Expanding to Panama

    Expanding to Panama
    The U.S recognized the Panama regime and gave them newfound freedom which allowed the U.S to construct the Panama Canal for trading with Britian.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo-Japanese War was fought between Japan and Russia over new territory which changed much of their political power. The U.S with the formation of the NCLC changed the education of children and improved society socially.
  • Economic Reforms and Lusitania

    Economic Reforms and Lusitania
    The book known as the "The Jungle" inspired the passing of many acts such as the Pure Food & Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act that improved the economy by the conditions of food manufacturing and working conditions of workers. The Lusitania was a large U.S ship that was sunk due to German submarines which killed many innocent citizens causing the U.S to join WWI changing their foreign policy once again
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    an important show of America's naval power to the rest of the world and its successful return increased the U.S's political power

    The NAACP was established to advance justice for African Americans and expand their rights
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    An incident where a factory lit on fire and killed hundreds of workers because the fire exit was sealed shut which caused changes for working conditions
  • The Bull Moose Party

    The Bull Moose Party
    Political party created by the Progressives promised to increase federal regulation and protect the welfare of ordinary people
  • More Economic Improvements

    More Economic Improvements
    The Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment made changes to the banking system and government income taxes along with the invention of the assembly line by Henry Ford which revolutionized factory production. Along with the 16th the 17th amendment changed peoples influence of the government by expanding voting rights.
  • More Economic Changes

    More Economic Changes
    The Clayton Antitrust Act and Federal Trade Commission introduced many laws to help the consumer benefit from the economy.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare was first used by Germany which gave rise to new war strategies in the wars too come
  • Rising Political Change

    Rising Political Change
    The Sussex pledge was a promise between Germany and the U.S that no passenger ships would be harmed, but once Germany broke this promise it change political relations between the two nations. The NWP was an organization that sought to change the way women were treated by the government and society.
  • WWI

    The U.S enters world war 1 because of the Zimmerman Telegram and with it changing the economy to support the war effort with the War Industry Board, laws like the Espionage Act and Selective Service changed the lives of people by making them part of the war effort and made them fear all communist ideals due to the Red Scare during the war
  • The End of WWI and the Roaring 20's

    The End of WWI and the Roaring 20's
    The war gave many labor opportunities to U.S citizens due to the National War Labor Board and gave even more distrust with the sedition act which would be in effect until the war ended because of the WWI armistice and the fourteen pints establishing each nations actions after the war. The U.S soon entered an age known as the roaring 20's that brought many inspirations through the Harlem Renaissance such as jazz, scientific management, the lost generation, and the radio and phonograph.
  • New Immigration Laws

    New Immigration Laws
    The Quota laws introduced many laws that would place many restrictions on immigration from Europe. The Teapot Dome Scandal was when business tried to perform a very serious scandal on the government which attempted to change the economy.
  • Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Affairs
    The Five Power Naval Treaty established peace between the nations by limiting naval construction and the Nine Power China Treaty established territorial integrity between China and the U.S.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    The Dawes Plan was established to end a crisis in European diplomacy and to make Germany pay for its actions in WWI
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    A case between the state of Tennessee and John Scopes to determine whether to teach evolution in schools or not which would change the way society looked at science and religion
  • Kellogg-Briand Treaty

    Kellogg-Briand Treaty
    An agreement between the states not to use war as a means to resolve conflicts with each other and changing their political power
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    share prices on the New York Stock Exchange completely collapsed, becoming a pivotal factor in the emergence of the Great Depression and forever changing the economy
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression left the U.S economy in a state of chaos with acts like the Hawley Smoot tariff trying to change it and more neutrality acts isolating the country from the world. The dust bowl occurred in the Southern Plains creating dust storms that changed the enviornment.
  • Japan takes Manchuria

    Japan takes Manchuria
    The Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan invaded Manchuria immediately following the Mukden Incident and would lead to to the Japanese occupation of China in WWII
  • Fixing the Economy

    Fixing the Economy
    The Reconstruction Finance .Corp was founded to provide financial support to state and local governments of the U.S and many WWI were not paid for their service which started a protes called the bonus march.
  • Ending the Great Depression

    Ending the Great Depression
    The first hundred days of a presidents term were named with their election and the ratification of the 20th amendment which affected the political structure. To improve the state of the economy and finally end the Great Depression the Civilian Conservation Corps to give workers more opportunities and the New Deal established to regulate public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations and with the Tennessee Valley Authority new environmental laws were established.
  • Establishment of New Laws

    Establishment of New Laws
    Along with the New Deal the Securities & Exchange Commission was founded to restore investor confidence in U.S capital markets by providing investors and the markets with more reliable information and clear rules of honest dealing and the Indian-Reorganization Act gave Native Americans more land and expanded their rights.
  • Progressing Expansion

    Progressing Expansion
    Italy invades Ethiopia as a result of economical problems with Ethiopia claiming victory. In the U.s the National Security Act and Wagner Act were passed to support the elderly financially and financial support for employees
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    A war caused by major socio-economic problems, such as poverty and inequality, as well as lack of freedoms given to the Spanish people which made them demand political change.
  • Quarantine Speech

    Quarantine Speech
    A speech given by Franklin D Roosevelt calling for an international "quarantine" against the "epidemic of world lawlessness" by aggressive nations which changed peoples views of other nations
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    A law that established new and fair working conditions for all workers in the U.S.
  • New Inspiration and Projects

    New Inspiration and Projects
    The "Grapes of Wrath" was published by John Steinback and it managed to capture the plight of millions of Americans whose lives had been crushed by the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression and awakened the nations comprehension and compassion. The Manhattan Project was later started to develop the first nuclear bomb.
  • WWII

    The U.S decides to join WWII after the attack of Pearl Harbor by Japan and so the U.S developed the Land Lease Act to give war supplies to its allies and the Four Freedoms Speech was given to remind Americans what their protecting. With Japan holding key airfields established an embargo on oil and gasoline exports to Japan.The Holocaust occurred which killed millions of German Jews by the Nazis. Finally the Atlantic Charter was issued so U.S and Great Britain could plan after their victory
  • WWII Aftermath

    WWII Aftermath
    After the numerous “Rosie the Riveter" inspired soldiers won the war the major allied nations met and discussed their plans for after the war
  • D-Day

    D-day was executed using the island hopping strategy in order to invade Normandy. In the U.S the case Korematsu v. U.S was a landmark United States Supreme Court case upholding the exclusion of Japanese Americans from the West Coast Military Area during World War II.
  • The End of WWII

    The End of WWII
    Japan refused to surrender, so in response the U.S bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki making them surrender. After the war the Nations came together to discuss their actions and goals after the war in the Yalta conference and Potsdam conference which ended with the formation of the United Nations