World map2

World History B Final Project Part 1

  • Assassination of the Archduke- Chapter 28

    Assassination of the Archduke- Chapter 28
    -On June 28, the Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, was assinated by a Serbian nationist
    -The effect of this assassination, had caused tension between the Austrians and Serbians to grow, and become more intense, and had caused war to break out between the two countries
    -This had important because this incident was the reason taht WWI had broke out, between the European nations
  • The Easter Rebellion- Chapter 29

    The Easter Rebellion- Chapter 29
    -Nationalist leaders in Ireland oranized the Easter Rebellion against British Rule
    -This Rebellion was caused by the hardships Ireland had faced because of British rule, and they finally rebelled to become independence.
    -This rebellion was very importnant because it finally led to the indendence of Ireland, and finally British rule was pushed out of Ireland
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    -On June 28, the Treaty of Versailles was signed ending World War I with blaming the war on Germany
    -The effects of this treaty were horrible, because when Germany was blamed, the country had to pay all the reparations and it had angered German leaders, and when Hitler came into power, the people needed a powerful leader to follow, and Hitler was then the cause of WWII.
    -This treaty was importnant because it had indirectly caused World War II, after it had blmaed the war's causes on Germany.
  • The Rise of Mussolini

    -In 1922, Benito Mussolini rose to power in Italy
    -The effect of his rise to power was that it had changed Italy's government and led the entire country under a fascist regime
    -I chose this event because Mussolini was very importnant in Italian history, because it had changed Italy into a fascist government and led to many riots and revolts in Italy towards the horrible regime
  • Stock Market Crash- Chapter 29

    -In 1929, the Stock Market crashed due to the burst of tumbling prices, which saued panicked investors to sell at a loss
    -The effects of this crash were dire because it had led to the Great Depression, which had affected thousands of people,and led to their deaths
    -I chose this date and event because it was very important in history, it had led to the Great Depression which had affected the entire world
  • Rise of Hitler

    -In 1933, Hitler had come into power in Germany
    -Germany had needed a ruler to change the entire nation, after the Treaty of Versailles, and the effects of his rule included the Holocaust, and then World War II
    -I chose his coming of power because Hitler was the sole reason why the Holocaust and WWII took place, and he had forever changed world history
  • Germany Invades the Soviet Union

    -In 1941, Nazi Germany had invaded Soviet Russia
    -I chose this invasion because it had broke the Nazi-Soviet Pact, which has stated that Germany would not inade the Soviet Union, and this caused tension between Germany and the Soviet Union
    -The effects of this invasion and breaking of the pact, that it had created tensions between Germany and the Soviet Union, which had later ended in the Soviet Union turning on Nazi Germany in war
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    -In 1941, the Japenese had dropped a nuclear bomb on the Hawaiian base of Pearl Harbor
    -The effects of this bombing, was that the United States then retaliated and dropped two bombs, one on Hiroshima, and one on Nagasaki
    -I chose this event because it is very importnant in US history, and it had created tensions between the United States and Japan, later leading to head-to-head war in World War II
  • The Yalta Conference

    -In 1945, Stalin of the Soviet Union, Roosevelt of the United States, and Churchil of the United Kingdom, meet for a conference in Yalta
    -The effects of this conference, was that it had led to the end of World War II, and it had also led to future tensions and wars, the Cold War, between the Soviet Union and the western powers
    -This conference was very important because there they discussed the future of Eastern Europe, and they ahd also discused Poland and Nazi Germany, ending WWII.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    -In 1955, the Warsaw Pact was formed and signed by the Soviet Union and afficialated Communist countries
    -This pact was formed due to the form of NATO, as a rival alliance, signed by the Soviet Union and afficialated Communist nations, and the effect of the pact was that it led to tension between NATO and the Warsaw Pact
    -This pact was importnatn because it was a way for the Communist countries to find a rival alliance to NATO, and it had also brought the Communist countries under a unified pact