World Events From 1750-1919

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    Major World History Events

  • The American Revolution Ends

    The American Revolution Ends
    Picture Site
    The American Revolution was a revolution against the British control over the American colonies. The colonists opposed the taxes on the goods from England when they had no say in the government. This was an important event in world history because it represented freedom and liberty that others around the world wanted, and that led to other revolutions around the world.
  • French Revolution Begins

    French Revolution Begins
    More InformationPicture Website The French government was in major debt. This resulted in the French people paying very high taxes even though they were very poor. The country was in famine and the king was overthrown by angry citizens. This event was important in world history because it was a successful overthrow of a European monarchy.
  • The Constitution of the United States

    The Constitution of the United States
    More InformatiionThe United States Constitution is a document that is like a guideline followed to guarantee every persons rights. This event is important to world history because it gave other countries a bases for their own country's constitution.
  • The Industrial Revolution Dates

    The Industrial Revolution  Dates
    Industrial Revalution TimelineThe Industrial Revelution was a time in which people began to make goods more efficiently. people started to be replaced by machines that mass produced and item. This was an important time in world history because factories produceed goods that made peoples lives easier.
  • Napoleons Defeat At Waterloo

    Napoleons Defeat At Waterloo
    More Infromation About Napoleon
    Napoleon returned from exile and resumed command of the french army. He was defeated at the battle of waterloo by the combined forces of British and Prussian forces. This is important in world history because it ended a period of French military dominance.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
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    There were territorial disputes between the Mexicans and the Americans that led to war. This was an important event in world history because it was the first time that the United States projected their military in another country.
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    Civil War Timeline
    The Civil War was faught in the United States between the northern and southern states over the abolition of slavery. This was important in world history because it ncreased the power of the federal government in the united stated rather than the states governmens.
  • First Modern Car Built

    First Modern Car Built
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    Gottlieb Daimler built what is concidered the first modern automobile. This is an important event in world history becaused it revolutionized modern human transportation.
  • Start of World War 1

    Start of World War 1
    WW1 TimelinePicture site
    World War 1 started because of the assanation of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. There were 2 main alliances during the war, the Allied Powers and the Centtral Powers. The Treaty of Versailles was signed at th eend of the war saying that Germany had full responcability for the war. This event is important in world history because the mistakes of the Allied Powers at the end of the war caused WW2.
  • Russian Revalution

    Russian Revalution
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    The Marxists, or the Bolshiviks, overthrew the Romanovs family and took control of Russia. This was important in world history because it was the first large scale communist government established in the world.