Word of the day-- Week of November 2

  • Plausible

    Plausible (PLAW ze bel) adjective
    seemingly true, acceptable, often implying disbelief. Her story was ver plausible,
  • Candor

    Candor (KAN der) noun
    sharp honesty or frankness in expressing oneself. She was very cander when it came to talking about herself.
  • Visceral

    Visceral (VIS ur uhl) adjective
    intuitive, instinctive, emotional, etc., rather than intellectual. she was very visceral
  • Fanfare

    Fanfare (FAN fair) noun
    a loud flourish of trumpets; noisy or showy display There was a big fanfare at the concert.
  • Foster

    Foster (FOS ter) verb
    to help to grow or develop. Her foster parents helped her through a lot,