
Woodrow Wilson's Presidency

By tobys
  • Woodrow Wilson's Inauguration

    Woodrow Wilson's Inauguration
    Woodrow Wilson begins his presidency.
  • War Breaks Out In Europe

    War Breaks Out In Europe
    The war began when Austria/Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia soon allied and began helping Serbia. Germany invaded Belgium and Luxembourg. So Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    France started this project in 1881 but they had to stop working on it due to engineering problems. So starting in 1904 the United States began working on it. It took a decade to finish and it was officialy opened in 1914.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    After Germany torpedoed this British ship. Many people were killed. And that was what influenced America two years later to declare war on Germany.
  • Puerto Ricans granted U.S. citizenship

    Puerto Ricans granted U.S. citizenship
    Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship by Woodrow Wilson, so anyone born in Puerto Rica has U.S. citizenship.
  • America declares war on Germany

    America declares war on Germany
    The United States Congress declared war on Germany. Wilson had asked for a special session of congress for this decision.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    The Selective Service act of 1917 was a passed law that any man ages 21-30 could be legally drafted by the goverment. So the goverment made it a law that a man of ages 21-30 had to register for fighting in World War I. The biggest difference from previos drafts was that in this new law you could not hire a substitute to fight in your place.
  • East St. Louis Riots Climax

    East St. Louis Riots Climax
    After labor strikes in St. Louis companies began hiring black people. White people did not like these people taking their jobs so they began rioting. Very bad things began happening including black people being shot, beaten with clubs, and trapped in burning buildings; the rioters did this by cutting the water hoses and setting buildings on fire. This was a very sad time and hard for me to read on the internet.
  • Nineteenth Amendment Is Ratified

    Nineteenth Amendment Is Ratified
    This amendment stops any United States citizen from being refused the right to vote based on gender.
  • Wilson Wins The 1919 Nobel Peace Prize

    Wilson Wins The 1919 Nobel Peace Prize
    For his help with the League of Nations he was given the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize, and was the second president (of three) to win this award.
  • Wilson Leaves Office

    Wilson Leaves Office
    On this date Wilson left the office clearing the way for Warren Harding to take office.
  • Wilson's Death

    Wilson's Death
    Wilson died due to stroke and other heart related problems. His wife, Edith lived at home for another 37 years before her death on December 18, 1961.