Women's Suffrage Movement

By lookmee
  • Susan B. Anthony

    She was a leader proponent of woman suffrage, the right to vote, sai'd she would cut off her right hand than ask the ballot fo the black man and not for women. It shows that women get stronger not only the education but also the right to have right to vote.
  • Illegal Voting

    Susan B. Anthony and other women tested that question by attempting to vote at least 15o times in ten states and the District of Columbia. Women started to think that they are also human being. Why don't they have right to vote?
  • Carry Nation and the WCTU

    The Carry Nation is known for attacking saloon with a hatchet. She was a leader of Woman's Christian Temperance Union. That is mean woman started to have right to vote or to think differently.
  • NAWSA Formed

    The main leader of this group was included Anthony. The NAWSA faced constant opposition. It made the liquor industries sacred that they will prohibit the liquor. The textile industries scared that they will prohibit child labor. Many men feared the changing role of women in society.
  • Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics

    Carrie Chaoman Catt was Susan B. Anthony successor. She concentrated on five tactics: (1)painstaking organization; (2) close ties between local, state, and national workers; (3)establishing a wide ase support; (4)cautious lobbying; (5) gracious, ladylike behavior. It shows that women started to make NAWSA stronger.
  • 19th Amendment

    In 19th Amendment, Women have righ to vote. They have been fighting so hard to get their rights to vote.