
womens suffrage

By jaz7608
  • seneca falls convention

    seneca falls convention
    the first womens convention to disscuss womens voting rights. women split over the 14 & 15 amendments, some beleieved women sould be included
  • Period: to

    womens suffrage

  • National Women Suffarage Association

    National Women Suffarage Association
    an organization of women focused on getting the right to vote
  • illegal voting

    illegal voting
    susan b. anthony and other women attepted to vote at least 150 times in ten states
  • supreme court decision

    supreme court decision
    the supreme court decided that women were citizens but then denied that citizenship automatically conferred the right to vote
  • nawsa formed

    nawsa formed
    this organization made men simply feard the changing role of women in society
  • carrie chapman catt

    carrie chapman catt
    the leader of the NAWSA from 1900-1904 she was the successor to susan b anthony. she also used 5 tatctics to gain support for suffarage
  • Triangle Shirtwaist factory

    Triangle Shirtwaist factory
    146 workers died mostly young women in the fire. this created a need for safer working condidtions
  • new NAWSA tactics

    new NAWSA tactics
    1.painstaking organization
    2.close ties between local, state and national workers
    3.establishing a wide base of support
    4. cautious lobbying
    5. gracious, ladylike behavor
  • more radical tactics

    more radical tactics
    picket lines and hunger strikes
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    giving the right to vote to women