womens rights movement

By angielo
  • Moving out

    women no longer need to live with a man if they dont want to but because most women rely on the man for money and therefore survival, most of them stayed in a marrage where they were unhappy
  • WSPU

    Women's Social and Political Union was founded
  • womens freedom leauge

    Women's Freedom League (a breakaway group from the WSPU founded by Charlotte Despard) was founded.
  • leading to black friday

    A Conciliation Bill which would have given women with property the right to vote was lost. This led to ‘Black Friday’.
  • chartered acountents

    Women were allowed to take exams to be chartered accountants.
  • East London Federation of Sufferagettes

    Sylvia Pankhurst founded the East London Federation of Suffragettes. Sylvia wanted a movement to be more inclusive of women from a working class background.
  • emily Davidson

    Emily davidson was hit by the kings horse and one of the famous races. At firs, people thought she had commited scuicide to prove a point about womens rights as it was a well known race and many people attend it. but another theory came out that she was trying to stop the horse and put a bannar on it of the suffragette flag so that it would finish the race with their flag. it was a bery key and moving time of the suffregette movement.

    the NUWSS was now a massive organisation with over 500 branches
  • Represemtation of People Act

    The 1918 Representation of the People Act gave propertied women over 30 years of age the right to vote.