Women of the French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Women of History in the French Revolution

  • Women lead delegation to King in Versaille demanding bread

    Women lead delegation to King in Versaille demanding bread
    Around 7,000ish women gathered and marched on Versailles, demanding bread and grain.the women killed 2 guards, and destroyed the queens bedchamber
  • Etta Palm d'Aelders

    Etta Palm d'Aelders
    Etta Palm d'Aelders was a Dutch feminist that spoke out during the French Revolution.
    December 30th, 1790, she addressed the French National Convention with her speech "Discourse on the Injustice of the Laws in Favour of Men, at the Expense of Women".
  • Declaration of the Rights of Woman

    Declaration of the Rights of Woman
    Olympe de Gouges (playwright) began to write political pamphlets and eventually created the Declaration of the Rights of Woman.
  • First Women's Club

    First Women's Club
    Les Amies de la Verite was begun as the first all female women’s club, started by Etta Palm D’Aelders. it was basiclly the YMCA of the 1790's. they protected women from wife beating, divorce bill, equality, elimination of primogeniture.
  • Pauline Petition

    Pauline Petition
    Pauline Leon (a chocolate-maker from Paris) submitted a petition signed by over 300 women to the National Assembly. It asked for permission for women to be given the right to bear arms. she was denied
  • Madame Royale

    Madame Royale
    Madame Royale, or “Mousseline” as her mother Marie-Antoinette called her, was baptised on the day of her birth in 1778 in the chapel of the Château de Versailles. Several years later, in 1793, her parents were guillotined by the Revolutionaries. Marie-Thérèse Charlotte was not executed but imprisoned. During her adolescence, she learned in her cell of the death of her aunt, Madame Elisabeth, the king’s sister, as well as that of her brother Louis. In 1795 the Austrian army secured her release.
  • Charolette Corday

    Charolette Corday
    There Corday solicited an interview with Marat because of the influence of his newspaper over the masses, and on July 13, 1793 she was finally admitted to his presence while he was in his bath. She named dissidents in Normandy; he noted them and assured her that they would be guillotined. She then drew a knife from under her dress and stabbed him through the heart. Arrested on the spot, she was tried and convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal (July 16–17) and forthwith guillotined on the Place
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette helped provoke the popular unrest that led to the French Revolution and to the overthrow of the monarchy in August 1792. She became a symbol of the excesses of the monarchy and is often credited with the famous quote "Let them eat cake," although there is no evidence she actually said it. As a 20-year consort to Louis XVI, she was beheaded nine months after he was, on October 16, 1793, by order of the Revolutionary tribunal.
  • Madame Roland

    Madame Roland
    Marie-Jeanne "Manon" Philipon, better known as Madame Roland, was born in Paris sometime in 1754. The only surviving child of a master engraver, she was born into an age of reason and wit, the France of the philosophes. After spending the first two years of her life with a wet-nurse, Manon returned to her parents' middle-class household where she watched her father and his apprentices make decorated snuffboxes, jewel and watch cases, elaborate buttons, and picture frames. Taught to read at an ea
  • Madame de Barry

    Madame de Barry
    On the 8th of December 1793, Madame du Barry, the final mistress of Louis XV was taken from her cell in the Conciergerie, whence she had been transferred from the far more salubrious prison of Sainte Pélagie two days earlier and carried, struggling and shrieking for mercy, to the tumbrel that waited to take her to the guillotine.