Westward Expansion

By ianbkah
  • The Exploration West

    The Exploration West
    Lewis and Clark leave their home in Missouri to search the land west of the Mississippi. This event supports my answer that the westward expansion was unstoppable because this was the first start of the expansion because they were the first to explore that land west of the Mississippi.
  • War with England

    War with England
    In 1812 the US declared war on England and this was for many reasons but the biggest one was because of the impressment of US Sailors. This supports my answer that the expansion was inevitable because the US wasn't going to let anyone or anything get in the way of their plans.
  • Texas

    After defeating Mexico in the Texas Revolution, Texas earns its independence and Sam Houston becomes its first president. When Texas defeat Mexico it got its freedom as its own land and eventually joined the United States.
  • Trial of Tears

    Trial of Tears
    In 1838-1839 the tribe known as the Cherokee was kicked out of their home in Georgia and were forced to leave and go to Oklahoma. Many of them died and had 1 and 4 not make the journey. The Americans were kicking the Native Americans out of their land and taking it over and weren't gonna let them get in the way of them having that land.
  • 28 States

    28 States
    Texas joins the United States as its 28th state in the US. James K. Polk was the president had a part in getting that to happen. The United States was quickly expanding and nothing was going to stop that from happening.
  • The Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail
    Pioneers gather all of their belongings and hop into wagons or start walking west in hopes of starting a better life since land is also cheeper there. Families and friends all start to move west and this was a big part of the westward expansion since there would actually be people living there.
  • US Victory

    US Victory
    After the Mexican war is over and the US defeats Mexico, they gave us California, Arizona, and also New Mexico along with more. The United States had a ton of land and was basically a full country by this point.