Westward Expansion

  • Louisianan Purchase

    Louisianan Purchase
    The Untied States made a deal with France witch caused them to get 827,000 square miles of land. It is important because it doubled the size of the U.S
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    It began when James W. found gold. Shortly after the population increased in California. It is important it provided a new passion for manifest destiny.
  • The Homestead Act

    The Homestead Act
    The government gave people 160 acres of land for very cheap price. It is important because it aloud any women or men a fair chance.
  • The Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

    The Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
    It took six years to build by hand. It was built to unite the west and east sides of the U.S it made it easy to travel from one side of the county to the other.
  • The invention of Barbed Wired

    The invention of Barbed Wired
    1873 Joseph Gidden invented barbed wire. It was helpful to farmers because the cattle's were kept out of their crops.
  • Battle Of Little Bighorn

    Battle Of Little Bighorn
    The Battle Of Little Bighorn was where the U.S suffered its greatest lost. It is important because it proved the power the Native Americans had.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    The president lead the federal government break up the tribal land. They could sell the Native Americans land. It is important because it shows how much the white people took from the Native Americans.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    During the Wounded Knee Massacre The Native Americans were going to surrender, but the U.S heard a gun shot so the army thought they were in danger so they killed over 200 people. It was important because it marked the Western Indian wars.