
  • Nov 12, 1035

    Canute the Great Dies

    Canute the Great Dies
    King of the North Sea Empire dies
  • Oct 30, 1270

    8th Crusade

    8th Crusade
    The 8th Crusade is launched
  • Nov 20, 1272

    Edward I Proclaimed King

    Edward I Proclaimed King
    Edward I takes the throne of England
  • Nov 19, 1302

    Pope Boniface Declares Unum Sanctum

    Pope Boniface Declares Unum Sanctum
    Boniface declares Unam Sanctum sayng he declares himself the heir to Christ and Peter if need be
  • Nov 15, 1492

    Columbus Notes Tobacco

    Columbus Notes Tobacco
    AS Columbus reaches America he discovers and records a tobacco plant
  • Nov 18, 1558

    Elizabeth I Takes the Throne of England

    Elizabeth I Takes the Throne of England
    Upon the death of her close relative Elizabeth takes the throne of England
  • Oct 31, 1570

    95 Thesis

    95 Thesis
    Martin Luther nails the 95 Thesis - a list of corrections of the Catholic Church - on the door of the church of Wittenburge
  • Gunpowder Plot Discovered

    Gunpowder Plot Discovered
    King James discovered a secret assasination plan using gunpowder beneath the palace
  • 1st Blood Transfusion

    1st Blood Transfusion
    The first bood transfusion successfully takes place between dog and man
  • United States said to never attack another country again

    United States said to never attack another country again
    President Wilson states that the United States will never attack another country again...soon after came WWII
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The stock market crashes beginning the Great Depression
  • Kristallnacht is launched

    Kristallnacht is launched
    The Nazis launch the Kritallnacht in Germany which created the list of all the jews and insisted on identifiaction of them all
  • New President Elected

    New President Elected
    Franklin Roosevelt is elected president
  • Piltdownman Hoax Discovered

    Piltdownman Hoax Discovered
    The Piltdownman, or "Missing Link" in evolution, is found to be a hoax and a lie for money
  • Apartheid Condemned

    Apartheid Condemned
    Blacks are finallly freed
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy Assassinated
    President Kennedy and Vice President are both assasinated while in Texas
  • Pagans Persecuted

    Pagans Persecuted
    Emporer Theodosius banned all Pagan worship throughout the Roman Empire when Christianity became official religion