Week 3 Assignment #6

  • King Louis XVI comes to power

    This event in history is important because his reign led to uprisings, an economic crisis, and rebellions of social classes.
  • Period: to

    Chapters 19 and 20

  • Estates General meets

    At this meeting, the vast Third Estate decides it is going to be its own independent group, and declares itself the National Assembly. This is important because it leads to a new constitution, uprisings, etc.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    This document stated that democracy would be the basis of France's government.
  • France's first official constitution

    The National Assembly finally ratified France's first official constitution. This is important because it stated equal rights for all citizens, and it abolished the class system.
  • Louis XVI guillotined

    The execution of Louis XVI is important because he made such an impact on France.
  • Start of the Reign of Terror

    The start of this horrid time was important because an individual came to power and executed numerous innocent people who did not agree with the individual and his ideas.
  • End of Reign of Terror

    The end of this dreadful time was also significant because Robespierre, the individual who rose to power, was executed. Specifically, he was guillotined, which was how the people he killed were killed. His execution marked the end of the Reign of Terror.
  • New government; Directory 1795-1799

    The establishment of the Directory was important because it introduced a new kind of government, one that separated powers into branches. It was also important because of its many problems.
  • Napoleon becomes a general and comes to power 1799-1815

    Napoleon was a significant person in history because of the wars he won, and the few he lost. For a good 15 or 16 years, Napoleon was a leader in France.
  • Napoleon declares himself emperor

    This event is important because 5 years earlier, Napoleon overthrew the French government, and now he is the ruler.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    This event is significant because Napoleon was defeated here and left a huge impact on France.
  • Revolution of 1848

    This event is important because the people rose up against the government while the king tried to restore order and failed.
  • Germany unification

    The attempt to unify Germany was important because it was one of the goals of the revolution of 1848 that failed.