Week 2

By Micah.G
  • Harsh Working Conditions

    -10 cents an hr,12-14 a day,$8-$10 a week
    -Children paid less than 10 cents an hr, f/ 14 hrs a day
    -Women received between 1/3-1/2 the pay of men
    -Machines were heavy and dangerous, some spit out black smoke, workers came out covered in black soot
    -Working with workers who had cut of limbs & sick
    -Workers were abandoned if an accident happen, wages stop, no attention
    -Children and a physical deformities, b/c lack of sunlight & exercise
    -Children and Women were abused
  • Pendleton Act of 1883

    -provided the federal government jobs be awarded on the basis of merit and be selected through competitive exams
    -in 1881 a unstable man assassinated James A. Garfield in protest against not obtaining a government job
    -the public's reaction caused president Arthur to introduce this law
    -patronage system practice where after winning an election, gives government jobs to its supporters
    -merit system: process of promoting and hiring government employees based on their ability to perform a job
  • Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

    -The reason for this law was to make railroad rates fair for all customers
    -The power of the law was basically to regulate railroad prices
    -This was the first federal law to regulate private industry in the US
    -The importance of this law was to eliminate discrimination against small markets and establishing a "reasonable & just prices" standard
    -The ICC was to enforce regulations & investigate allegations such as fraud, deception, & discrimination toward private businesses
  • Assassination of President Garfield

    -The assassin was Charles J Guiteau
    -Shot at the presidentil twice, but only 1 bullet directly impacted him
    -Reason Charles shot him was he turned down from a job by the president, mentally unstable, believe God told him to
    -Charles wrote a peom,"I am going to the Lordy" to Garfield about his own death
    -Garfield lived for a couple months but soon died from and infection
  • People Party

    Their idea were economic reforms, increase in money supply, graduated income tax, 8 hr workdays,immigration restriction, they wanted direct vote for senators
    - Cause f/ these ideas were b/c they wanted people to have voice in their gov& the populist program kept alive the concept that the gov is responsible f/ reforming social injustice
    -Populist president candidate James Weaver in 1893 won almost 10% pf the toal vote but lost to Grover C. f/ the democratic party
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    -Black train passenger, Homer Plessy refused to sit in a Jim Crow car, breaking a Louisiana law
    -By a 7-1 vote, the court said that a state law that "implies merely a legal distinction" between the two races did not conflict with 13th amendment forbidding involuntary servitude,nor did it reestablish such a condition
    - The discussion established the doctrine of "separate but equal" which allowed states to maintain segregated facilities for blacks and whites as long as they provided equality
  • Period: to


    -Muckraker journalism was one of the magazine journalist who exposed the corrupt side of business public life in the early 1900's
    -Journalists described immigrant ghettos + poor living conditions of tenement housing
    -Muckracker condemned exploitation of childlabor & while slave traffic in women
    -They exposed Rockefeller oil industry & his monopolist ways
    -Authors like upton sinclair exposed the meat packing industry which led to the meat packing act & pure food + drug act
  • The Jungle

    -Written by muckraking journalist Upton Sinclair
    - Focus was the human condition in the stockyards of Chicago & exploit the labor men & women for profit
    -Magnified the sickening conditions of the meat packing industry
    -As results of the making the public aware of the filthy & dangerous condition, each local gov. passed its own set of health codes as well as the meat inspection & the pure food & drug act
  • Period: to

    Social Gospel

    -Settlement homes likes the Hull house with Jane Addams and religious groups helped start the "Social Gospel Movement"
    -They believed that churchs had a duty to solve societys problems and reached salvation through serve to the poor
    -They were criticized by others the social gospel movement because they did not believe their reforms could help
    -The progressive era inspired reform activities like the Young Womens Christian Temperance Union

    -W.E.B Du Bois, Ida B. Wells
    -Founded to fight the Plessy vs. Ferguson
    -The NAACP principal objective is to ensure political,educational, social, and economic equality of all minority groups and eliminate racism and the barriers of racial prejudice
  • 16 Amendment

    -Allows the congress to levy an income tax on the people
    -Its biggest effect was it shifted the balance of power to the federal government and away from the states
    -Progressive favoring or advocating progress and change
    -Revenue collective items or income of a person,state, etc.
    -Tariff: tax or duty to be paid
  • 17th Amendment

    -The senate of the U.S shall be composed of 2 senators from each state, elected by the people there of, for 6 years and each senator shall have one vote
    -It changed the theory about who senators represented, shifting the focus from state governments to the residents of states
    -Direct election: system of choosing political office holders in which the voters directly cast ballots for the person
  • Period: to

    Progressive Party

    -The founder of the Bull Moose party was Theodore Roosevelt
    -He was defeated in the republic primaries & broke off
    -The party advocated women suffrage , work mens comp, an 8hr workday, a minimum wage for women, federal law against child labor , and federal trade
  • Federal Reserve Act

    -caused by the nations need to strengthen how banks were run & quickly adjust amount of money in circulation & have enough money supply to keep up w/ the econ
    -gave 12 federal reserve banks the ability to print many in order to ensure economic stability
    -helped create the federal reserve system & centralized banking. known as "bankersbank"
    -made the value of the U.S. dollar stronger by influencing the economy
  • 18th amendment 1

    --caused by widespread belief that consumption of alcohol was deteriorating Americans health and causing criminal activities
    -established the prohibition of alcohol beverages in the U.S. by declaring the production,transport, and sale or alcohol illegal
    -instead of reducing crime, it created massive organized crime movements and corrupted public officials who took bribes
  • 18th Amendment 2

    -Temperance restraint + moderation from drinking
    -Prohibition: nationwide ban of alcohol
    -Speak Easy: illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages
    -Flapper: generation pf young western women in 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their unacceptable behavior
  • 19th Amendment

    -women wanted equality
    -granted women the right to vote- a right known as suffrage
    -helped women move closer to equality in all aspects of American life
    -women educated for jobs, fairer wages, education, sex education and birth control
  • Discovery of gold in the Klondike region

    -The Klondike Gold Rush was an event of migration by an estimated 100,000 people prospecting to the Klondike region of north-western Canada only 30,000 actually made it to the Klondike
    -Gold was discovered in many rich deposits along the Klondike river
    -Newspapers created a hysteria that was nation-wide and many people quit their jobs and then left for the Klondike to become gold diggers -Many did not find gold many made money off the hardware store selling to the propecters